
How will Ramadan be beneficial! I can barely look, I can barely sit! Why this greed?," writes Saydie Gyu Lahmed in her blog

Storm of discontent against the environment of Dogan. Deputies urge Atalay and Ibramov to leave

Storm of dissatisfaction against Dogan's circle. Atalay and Ibramov are called to leave-Burya-ot-nedovolstvo-sreshtu-obkrazhenieto-na-Dogan--Zovat-Atalay-i-Ibryamov-da-si-hodyat_1733069736.jpg

"People, brothers argue with each other, father with son, husband with wife, the old sinners to go and spend their money earned by MRF. Look at ...

1 Dec. 2024 | 18:08

"Санитарният кордон" ще превърне депутатите на ДПС-НОВО НАЧАЛО в новите мъченици на демокрацията

Валерия Велева: Политическото тресавище на 51-ото Народно събрание

Валерия Велева: Това, което става в днешния български парламент, е тотално безобразие, което няма нищо общо с парламентаризъм и демокрация.-Valeriya-Veleva--Tsenata--koyato-DPS-shte-plati_1720968350.jpg

ПП-ДБ са завлечени от собствените си грешки, глупост, арогантност и политическа дилетантщина. Коалиция "Москва" срещу ГЕРБ ги изхвърля априори от ...

29 Nov. 2024 | 19:18

His voice is popular and divine! Long live Silvi and Kiselova! They want to govern us, but apparently they are not capable

Georgi Markov: If Todor Zhivkov were alive, he would today say: Ha-Ha-Ha!

Georgi Markov: If Todor Zhivkov were alive, he would say today: Ha-ha-ha!-1612855640.jpg

Such a circus has never been seen before! Yesterday, a coalition was formed between the partisans of Soros from CC-DB, the pro-Russian partisans from ...

29 Nov. 2024 | 15:12

"Political compromise should not mean depersonalization of one party's stance."

Alexander Yordanov: Why, Borisov, why?

Alexander Yordanov: Why, Borisov, why?-1606317076.jpg

But if the choice is made, this will lead to an even greater political downfall of our country. It will be detestable

29 Nov. 2024 | 14:15

Borisov made a mistake by resigning, as all his oppositions united from all sides

Simeonov: The most important factor is who will conduct the elections

Purvan Simeonov: The most important factor is who will conduct the elections - this interim government or another one.-Parvan-Simeonov--Alternativno-mnozinstvo-shte-e-po-haresvano-ot-nova-sglobka--Snimka-BTA_1732867492.png

"If Peevski gains more support in the upcoming elections, the bubble could naturally start to burst. Unless we are truly dealing with a political ...

29 Nov. 2024 | 11:38

, или се качи на пиедесталите на власттаNeed for a new party with new faces that can appeal to the new generations exists. But that does not mean that the person with the highest rating, or one who climbs on the pedestals of power, will make it.

."Presidential Party of Radev? Perhaps, but unlikely."

"President's party for Radev? Maybe, but hardly."--_1670329277.jpg

за победителAccording to sources in Bulgaria, the next elections will activate the "Romanian model" - where someone who has not been considered as a ...

26 Nov. 2024 | 14:55

"Shock in Romania!". "Great surprise". "From underdog to winner". "Calin Georgescu surprisingly wins the first round"

"The fiasco of sociologists in Bulgaria"

 The fiasco of sociologists  -Fiaskoto-na-sotsiolozite_1732540630.jpg

After the elections in our country and in the USA, the presidential vote in Romania reveals the true face of paid sociology, tangled in the webs of Soros

25 Nov. 2024 | 15:16

Only Strategy Lilov avoided the sad karma of non-recognition

How BSP Was Removing its Leaders from the Political Scene

How BSP was throwing out its leaders from the political scene-Kak-BSP-izhvarlyashe-liderite-si-ot-politicheskata-stsena_1732200033.jpg

Zhivkov "wore the blanket" in custody, Videnov is still being criticized today, and as for Stanishev, his comrades prefer to forget that he brought ...

21 Nov. 2024 | 15:40

We warn you: do not hand over the rope to the soldier that will hang the Bulgarian parliamentary democracy!

Ognian Minchev: The Useful Idiots from the CC Trace the Path of Authoritarian Monarchy of Radev

Ognian Minchev: Useful idiots from PP (political party) are paving the way for authoritarian single rule under Radev.-Ognyan-Minchev--Tselta-e-Radev-ne-e-partiya--a-nova-konstitutsionna-formula-s-ednolichna-vlast_1731778773.jpg

For this purpose, the services of local useful idiots are used - those who themselves hand over the rope that they will be hanged on shortly after. These ...

21 Nov. 2024 | 14:22

На 24 ноевмри 2024 г. се навършват 115 години от рождението на поета

Иван Гранитски: Никола Вапцаров – Апотеоз на безстрашната вяра

Иван Гранитски: Никола Вапцаров – Апотеоз на безстрашната вяра-Ivan-Granitski_1693301722.jpg

Поезията на Вапцаров е своеобразен диалог с времето, разговор с епохата. Той разглежда лирическия герой, отделната личност като индивидуална вселена, като ...

21 Nov. 2024 | 12:28

Международната система, която обещава стабилен свят, не успява да предотврати нарушаването на своите основополагащи принципи и да се справи с днешните сложни предизвикателства, заяви той

Проф. Фахретин Алтун: Време е Г-20 да поеме инициативата

Проф. Фахретин Алтун: Време е Г-20 да поеме инициативата за по-справедлив свят-Prof--Fahretin-Altan--direktor-po-komunikatsiite-na-turskoto-prezidentstvo_1728385296.jpg

Проф. Фахретин Алтун, написа статия, озаглавена „Време е Г-20 да поеме инициативата“ за Ал Джазира, отразявайки участието на президента Реджеп Тайип Ердоган в ...

21 Nov. 2024 | 11:40

Atanas Zafirov, Borislav Gutsanov, Kaloian Pargov and Christian Vigenin will compete in a direct election or at the congress of the Bulgarian Socialist Party

Four in a fierce battle for the leadership position in BSP.

Four in fierce battle for the leadership position in BSP-Chetirima-v-yarostna-bitka-za-liderskiya-post-v-BSP_1732022689.jpg

If new elections are called, it is unlikely that the constitution will be changed - the left-wing party has no need for disputes about the legitimacy of their ...

19 Nov. 2024 | 15:40

Follow parliamentarism and vote for the beautiful Raya, choose Borisov for prime minister!

Georgi Markov: Peevski will be second in the upcoming elections! Dogan ended disgracefully!

Georgi Markov: From now on I say - Peevski will be second in the upcoming elections! Dogan ended disgracefully!-Georgi-Markov_1679054335.jpg

Trump doesn't bet on Ursula, Tusk or Weber, but on Viktor Orban, whom he welcomed twice in his home and publicly called brave, clever and brilliant ...

18 Nov. 2024 | 23:32

Историята ни е показала, че президентите на България се провалят като партийни строители

Петко Добрев: Какво ще напише историята за Радев

Петко Добрев: Какво ще напише историята за Радев-1647416233.jpg

Именно в резултат на неговото инженерстване България се потопи в политическа криза. И да продължава говоренето, че само Радев и негова партия може да спасят ...

18 Nov. 2024 | 14:27

бHe deliberately and purposefully uses CC to blow up the system

Valeria Veleva: Who is the new Savior? The silence of Radev.

Valeria Veleva: Who is the new Savior? The silence of Radev.-Valeriya-Veleva--Tsenata--koyato-DPS-shte-plati_1720968350.jpg

Radev made political mistakes that reshaped the political map of Bulgaria and resulted in disastrous consequences for the country. He undermined the path of ...

18 Nov. 2024 | 01:49