
Because today the "sanitary cordon" is for MRF-New Beginning, tomorrow it will be for others. Madmen do not choose...

"Kiril Petkov and the protests - does something smell like new fascism?"

"Kiril Petkov and the protests - is there something reminiscent of fascism?"-Kiril-Petkov-i-pepetata---neshto-da-vi-namirisva-na-fashizam-_1730294945.jpg

Kiril Petkov wants all representatives of the MRF-New beginning to be isolated from the public processes in the country; secondly, around 300,000 to be placed ...

30 Oct. 2024 | 15:29

It would be very inappropriate, according to Trump, for the new Bulgarian government to have partisans of Soros

Markov: Boyko wins the elections for the third time in a row, must be the candidate for prime minister. Bravo to Nankov!

Markov: Boyko wins the elections for the third time, he should be the candidate for prime minister. Bravo to Nankov!-1614159340.jpg

Харис The charming Tulsi Gabbard predicted a Third World War if Harris wins. And she's right - Alexander Soros was the first to publicly support Kamala ...

28 Oct. 2024 | 19:26

Finally, a well-qualified Roma person will be appointed to negotiate with the Brussels bureaucrats.

на президентаKevork Kevorkyan: State supported by the president's criesKevork Kevorkyan: State backed by the president's cries.

 на глад Kevork Kevorkian: Country Supported by Cries of Hunger-Kevork-Kevorkyan_1669805378.jpg

"Guinness would have been stunned if we had told them before that we are turning the viaducts on some of our highways into illegal dumps and then setting ...

27 Oct. 2024 | 14:56

България доизвървя своя път на страданието - „Виа долороса“, и биде разпната

Минчо Минчев: Страници от календара на българския път на страданието

Минчо Минчев: Страници от календара на българския път на страданието-1605721935.jpg

Но Господ вижда. И може би неслучайно и паметникът на президента е въздигнат от днешните наши фарисеи на влажно място, в близост с най-древния известен извор в ...

26 Oct. 2024 | 21:28

Натискът на Украйна и Запада за „мир а ла Зеленски“ бе блокиран

Боян Чуков: В Казан задуха "вятърът на промяната". Форумът на БРИКС е безспорен голям успех за Путин

Боян Чуков-Boyan-Chukov_1713172948.jpg

Бе продемонстриран ембрионът на зараждащия се алтернативен свят, възможен и необходим. Но безобиден и все още смирен. Датата на събитието бе избрана ...

26 Oct. 2024 | 13:53

Главни герои са пухкавият сладур Илхан Кючюк, безсрамното перде Николай Бареков и сайтът “BIRD”

Последното активно мероприятие на Доган

Последното активно мероприятие на Доган-Poslednoto-aktivno-meropriyatie-na-Dogan_1729871315.jpg

Само пълни идиоти могат да се вържат на финтифлюшката, че Пеевски и Таки били в Катар и там, където били, вече имало коли на Сикрет Сървиз и ги чакали, че да ...

25 Oct. 2024 | 18:47

The group of Honorary Chairman of MRF will lose everything

Petko Dobrev: "Peevski's Escape" - More Than an Intelligent and Strategically Sound Move

Petko Dobre: "Peevski's Escape" - More Than an Intelligent and Strategically Sound Move by Him.-1647416233.jpg

"The Escape" is a real mockery of those who consider themselves as political elite. I would even say that it is a true humiliation. This was the ...

25 Oct. 2024 | 15:07

Тръмп казва на младите мъже, че са желани и ценени - за разлика от демократите, които ги обявиха за ненужни

USA Today: Харис ухажва жените, но губи мъжете. Това може да ѝ струва изборите

Кадър: USA Today-Kadar--USA-Today_1729760282.jpg

Като общество не можем да си позволим да имаме млади мъже и жени, които имат огромни ценностни различия, неспособни са да постигнат съгласие за политиката, ...

24 Oct. 2024 | 11:56

None of today's players on the public stage have walked the path of Iliana Yotova - from the lowest step to the top

Iliana Yotova at 60: The Red Fury who refused to play a supporting role

None of today's players on the public scene has gone through the path of Iliana Yotova - from the lowest step to the top-Nikoy-ot-dneshnite-igrachi-na-obshtestvenata-stsena-ne-e-izvarvyal-patya-na-Iliyana-Yotova---ot-nay-niskoto-stapalo-do-varha_1729750976.jpg

Iliana knows how to use the accumulated "political baggage" over the years, she has carefully cultivated the perfect reflection towards political ...

24 Oct. 2024 | 00:06

Върнах прокуратурата в руслото на нормалността и професионализма, казва той

Бързина, качество, справедливост – концепцията на Сарафов за стратегическо развитие на прокуратурата

Бързина, качество, справедливост – концепцията на Сарафов за стратегическо развитие на прокуратурата-Barzina--kachestvo--spravedlivost---kontseptsiyata-na-Sarafov-za-strategichesko-razvitie-na-prokuraturata_1729700303.jpg

И най-големите критици на Сарафов не могат да отрекат, че той има знанията, визията, а очевидно и волята не просто да промени държавното обвинение, но и да ...

23 Oct. 2024 | 19:19

There is no statement that can relieve Dogan of his guilt

"The tough part of this campaign begins after the ballot boxes are closed on October 27th," says Petko Dobrev.

Petko Dobrev: The difficult part of this campaign begins after the closure of the polling stations on October 27th.-1647416233.jpg

All participants in the elections were surprised by the powerful campaign of Peevski. They simply weren't ready to realize that the Boy has been preparing ...

22 Oct. 2024 | 13:16

Изявленията му притесниха еврейската общност, Нетаняху реагира светкавично

Франс прес: Близкоизточната дипломация на Макрон - твърдост, противоречия и безсилие

Еманюел Макрон Снимка: БТА-Emanyuel-Makron-Snimka--BTA_1729505784.jpg

Размяната на остри реплики се случва в момент, когато някои членове на френската дипломация не крият песимизма си относно способността на международната ...

21 Oct. 2024 | 13:15

In addition to the Prosecutor's Office, the Ministry of Interior and some politicians in our country, the majority of the Supreme Judicial Council often finds itself in the focus of attacks by the State Security Service (SSB)

Bulgarian Judges Union – a media puppet and 1.5% legitimacy

Union of Judges in Bulgaria - 1.5% Legitimacy-Sayuz-na-sadiite-v-Balgariya---1-5--legitimnost-Sayuz-na-sadiite-v-Balgariya---1-5--legitimnost-_1729491560.jpg

At the General Assembly of the Judicial Union, 27 members were present, which is exactly 1.5% of all Bulgarian judges. Out of these 27 present, 10 were ...

21 Oct. 2024 | 10:31

Bulgarians find themselves at a political, economic and geopolitical crossroads, trying to determine how to continue the country's development

Petar Karlukovski: The political crisis is a crisis of the political identity of parties!

Petar Karlukovski: The political crisis is a crisis of the political identity of the parties!-Petar-Karlukovski--Politicheskata-kriza-e-kriza-na-politicheskata-identichnost-na-partiite-_1729162844.png

It is time for a renewed round table for revising the transition and gathering new energy for a restart and catching up development

17 Oct. 2024 | 13:58

The current moment shows that Donald Trump has never been in a better position to win the White House

Martin Tabakov: Harris has a problem. And it's not Trump, but the reflection in the mirror.

Martin Tabakov: Harris has a problem. And it's not Trump, but the image in the mirror.-1601618007.png

Throughout the entire campaign, Donald Trump was trying to tell American voters that Kamala Harris is just like (Joe Biden), and in the end, they heard it from ...

17 Oct. 2024 | 08:36