
Одрипавялата политическа система не е в състояние да предприеме нищо разумно

Кеворк Кеворкян: Мишена

Кеворк Кеворкян: Мишена-1633510993.jpg

България е в безподобна политическа криза, в безизходица, от която няма изгазване. Тя е като някакъв дрипльо, който бъбри на себе си на някакъв непонятен език; ...

21 Sept. 2024 | 19:00

Тъжно е загиването на БСП, тя се търкаля към 4-процентната бариера, смята той

Боян Чуков: Отказвам номинация за листата на БСП в Шумен. Няма идеология, има разтурване!

Боян Чуков: Отказавам номинация за листата на БСП в Шумен-Boyan-Chukov_1713172948.jpg

Светът в крайна сметка принадлежи на умните, на хората с воля и характер. Глупавите, алчните и страхливите са масовка в чужди схеми, пейджъри, които гърмят, ...

21 Sept. 2024 | 18:23

Reliable national security against the specter of the bloodthirsty Big "Brother" is needed

Prof. Georgi Fotev: The dumbing down of our nation is our biggest threat.

Prof. Georgi Fotev: The Dumbing Down of the Nation is a Reality.-Prof--Georgi-Fotev--Provalat-na-balgarskiya-prezident--Snimka-NBU_1721902597.png

The majority of the people don't know what they want. The majority of the parliament, national media and the majority of the population are being dumbed ...

20 Sept. 2024 | 14:04

I knew that they would not break you, because you are a man, an athlete, a Balkan

-Neshka Robeva: Sorry Mr. Djokovic! I am ashamed of the brutes imitating the "fashion".

Neshka Robeva: Apologies, Mr. Djokovic!-1646119035.jpg

I am not a fan of Kamelia, nor her music, but I am ashamed of the vulgarity that we do not even feel ashamed of and pour out endlessly from all possible media, ...

19 Sept. 2024 | 17:59

Our diplomacy must sharply react to Skopje, instead of burying its head in the sand

Velizar Enchev: MFA humiliatingly pleads in front of Brussels, instead of withdrawing Bulgarian Ambassador in Skopje.

Velizar Enchev: MFA embarrassingly backs down in front of Brussels instead of recalling the Bulgarian ambassador in Skopje-Velizar-Enchev--V-Sofiya-gastrolira-teatarat-na-dvoynite-standarti-i-geopoliticheskiya-tsinizam_1664630407.png

The solution is simple and consists of two steps: on the same day, Bulgaria recalls its ambassador to Skopje "for consultations" and delivers a ...

18 Sept. 2024 | 21:43

The great genre of the interview - is turning into incessant chattering

Kevork Kevorkyan: Graciously towards the hosts. We are witnessing a revolution in the kitchen.

Kevork Kevorkyan: Mercy for the hosts. We are witnessing a revolution in the kitchen.-Ivan-Granitski--Kevork-Kevorkyan---izoblichitelyat-na-duhovnite-plebeyshtini_1725547819.jpg

The frivolousness with which television produces "hosts" has become unbearable. It's as if they are picking them up straight from the street. At ...

18 Sept. 2024 | 13:48

The president has already been exhausted from speaking

Prof. Hristov: Only GERB has a solid electorate, the foundation of MRFis in Peevski.

Associate Professor Alexander Hristov: The solid electorate is softening. This makes the outcome of the elections unpredictable.-Dots--Aleksandar-Hristov--Tvardite-elektorati-omekvat--Tova-pravi-izhoda-ot-izborite-nepredvidim_1726638528.jpg

"To assemble something new from 10 old ones - it never works out, commented the left-wing coalition."

18 Sept. 2024 | 08:47

"The most important question is who made the plan for this maneuver and why was it given to the training aircraft L-39?"

"Completely unnecessary risk: Who allowed the damaged L-39ZA to fly so low?"

Unnecessary risk: Who allowed the damaged L-39ZA to fly so low?-Absolyutno-nenuzhen-risk--Koy-e-razreshil-na-razbiliya-se-L-39ZA-da-leti-tolkova-nisko-_1726605057.jpg

The fatal risk was the altitude, as the plane in the last moments before crashing started to pull out of a dive, i.e. regained maneuverability through ...

17 Sept. 2024 | 23:26

Rules for distribution of government funding will lead to bankruptcies of half of Bulgarian universities

The MES adopts a decree that bankrupts universities and dismisses a large number of teachers.

."The formulas in the regulations are written in a way that leads to a systemic financial deficit in 18 out of 32 state universities, i.e. more than half, commented Dr. Antonia Yaneva."-Formulite-v-postanovleniyata-sa-napisani-taka--che-postavyat-v-sistemen-finansov-nedostig-18-ot-32-darzhavni-visshi-uchilishta--t-e--poveche-ot-polovinata--komentira-d-r-Antoniya-Yaneva_1726601708.jpg

"The formulas in the regulations are written in such a way that they place 18 out of 32 state universities in a systemic financial deficit, i.e. more than ...

17 Sept. 2024 | 22:32

Delyan Peevski positions himself as a stronger institutional player and received the MRF brand.

The fortress is crumbling: How are the forces distributed in MRF The stronghold is falling apart:

The fortress is crumbling: How are the forces divided in MRF-Krepostta-se-razpada--Kak-se-razpredelyat-silite-v-DPS_1726558179.jpg

Forecasts that the ethnic vote for MRF will crumble among supporters of Ahmed Dogan are unlikely to come true completely. The intrigue surrounding MRF 3 months ...

17 Sept. 2024 | 10:21

Radev did not answer the question - is it acceptable for military pilots to be sent to participate in such a show

Veleva: A circus artist! Why is Radev nervous?

Valeria Veleva: A Circus Performer! Why is Radev Nervous? -Valeriya-Veleva--Tsenata--koyato-DPS-shte-plati_1720968350.jpg

It turns out that Air Force pilot Rumen Radev, the head of state of Bulgaria, was initially a "guest" in his own country and, secondly, at the ...

16 Sept. 2024 | 15:35

Русия е предпочитан партньор на Черния континент в сферата на сигурността

САЩ разгръщат свой Вагнер: Опит Русия да бъде изгонена от Африка

Наемници от Вагнер в Африка-Naemnitsi-ot--Vagner--patrulirat-v-Mali_1690523785.png

Напрежението в Централноафриканската република е част от по-голяма битка, която се разгръща из целия континент, докато Москва и Вашингтон се състезават за ...

15 Sept. 2024 | 20:16

This means the US will begin to launch missiles from the "eastern flank of NATO", where Bulgaria is located

Angelov: Zelenskiy will become redundant at one point and will be removed from power.

Strahil Angelov: Zelenski at one point will simply become unnecessary and will be removed from power -1611865863.jpg

After the British fired a rocket from Ukraine towards Russia, Russian missiles would be expected to fly towards London and Manchester - this is entirely ...

13 Sept. 2024 | 13:10

He believes that Vazov deserves to have a biography written with the pen of Andre Morua or Brandes, which still doesn't exist to this day

Mirela Kostadinova: Prof. Mihail Arnaudov Avoided Working at Night and Socializing with People.

 Mikhail Arnaudov -Mihail-Arnaudov_1726212504.jpg

Until the end of his days, Professor Mikhail Arnaudov remains true to his principles and scientific work. "I have done as much as I could," he said. ...

13 Sept. 2024 | 10:27

Другите партии няма да приемат нито една идея, произтичаща от Борисов. Просто защото е негова

Защо ГЕРБ хем е първа сила, хем не може да направи правителство


В момента тече бавно "омачкване" на най-голямата партия. Път, по който вече минаха БСП и СДС

11 Sept. 2024 | 16:49