
Peevski did a lot for the development of the MRF party. It was evident in the results they achieved

Prof. Stoyan Denchev: It is seen that Ahmed Dogan is not what we all expected!

Prof. Stoyan Denchev: It became evident that Ahmed Dogan is not what we all expected!-1587151181.jpg

The people who supported Peevski, are also part of MRFand these are mostly the regional structures, which are the strongholds of MRF . This shows the ...

11 Sept. 2024 | 14:50

Обединената левица пропусна шанса да покаже обединена мощ

Левите лидери забравиха 9 септември, не дойдоха на Братската могила


Ръководството на БСП - и на "Позитано 20, и на "Леге" 10, което винаги е организирало честването, вчера го претупа

10 Sept. 2024 | 12:42

"Every Sunday" has 1060 episodes, with more than 6000 guests, to which Kevorkyan asks close to 70,000 questions

Prof. Margarita Pesheva: Kevork Kevorkyan - the unparalleled media toreador

Prof. Margarita Pesheva: Kevork Kevorkyan - the unparalleled media toreador-Prof--Margarita-Pesheva--Kevork-Kevorkyan---bezpodobniyat-medien-toreadar_1725887253.png

Thanks to Kevorkyan's talent, skill, and creative efforts "Every Sunday" comprehensively presents the local TV journalism on the territory of the ...

9 Sept. 2024 | 19:47

If Ilhan Kyuchuk is right, then the MRF exists outside of the Law on Political Parties

Dobrev: It's time for the representatives of DPS-Dogan to realize what they are saying

Petko Dobrev: It's time for MRF -Dogan representatives to realize what they say-1647416233.jpg

The statement by Ilhan Kyuchuk is a heavy blow to Bulgaria as a rule of law. In practical terms, his words are a recognition that the MRF (Movement for Rights ...

9 Sept. 2024 | 11:43

On September 11th, the journalist celebrates his 80th birthday

Ivan Granitski about Kevork Kevorkyan: The Exposer of Spiritual Plebeianism!

Kevork Kevorkyan- The Exposer of Spiritual Aristocracy!-Kevork-Kevorkyan--Izoblichitelyat-na-duhovnite-plebeyshtini-_1725547973.jpg

Kevorkyan exposes the political marauders who want to erase the achievements of the past and, in general, the good, selfless long-term efforts of several ...

9 Sept. 2024 | 09:10

"The Schindler's List" - Kircho's stormy interpretation - has long occupied and entertained the audience

живот е заеман, отглеждането на деца трябва да бъде приоритетKevorkian: Living in servitude is a busy lifestyle, raising children should be a priority.

 предизвиква национални споровеKevorkian: Slugin-style causes national controversies.-Kevork-Kevorkyan_1669805378.jpg

Boyko remains subscribed to dominate in all elections - but there is no real benefit from it. He is starting to look like the Soviet leader Brezhnev...

8 Sept. 2024 | 09:20

Ей, смайваща борба с мафията и корупцията води този човек!

Андролова: Концепцията на Радев-лъжем американците,даваме на руснаците,междувремено рушим държавата

Андролова: Концепцията на Радев-лъжем американците,даваме на руснаците,междувремено рушим държавата-1584904074.jpg

И днес Радев го готвят за следващия образ на "демократичната власт", зад който ще се провежда концентрация на източването на ресурсите

7 Sept. 2024 | 20:07

BBC за отсраняването на Кулеба:В един момент "не е бил на вълните" на Зеленски

BBC за отсраняването на Кулеба:В един момент "не е бил на вълните" на Зеленски-Kuleba-pred-NOVA--Sas-zadalbochavaneto-na-voynata-prezhivyavahme-i-dobri--i-loshi-momenti-s-Balgariya_1688622548.png

Мащабът и сложността на задачите, които стояха пред Кулеба, често го принуждаваха през последните две години да действа с нетипични, понякога и неприемливи ...

7 Sept. 2024 | 09:59

в БългарияThe Radev-Peevski conflict is now shaping the political situation in Bulgaria

ISA Analysis: Bulgaria on the Brink of a Power Struggle in the Country

Analysis by ISA: Bulgaria in a battle for influence within the state-Analizat-na-ISA--Balgariya-pred-voyna-za-vliyanie-v-darzhavata_1725259360.jpg

Delyan Peevski has the power to seriously shake the political system. A tough pre-election campaign is emerging, which has the potential to overturn the ...

5 Sept. 2024 | 14:12

„Моят баща беше репресиран по време на „Възродителния процес“ заради доносници и агенти на ДС като Доган"

Илхан Андай: Защо аз и Доган имаме черен печат за влизане в Турция, неговият ще е до гроб

Илхан Андай: Защо аз и Доган имаме черен печат за влизане в Турция, неговият ще е до гроб-Ilhan-Anday--Zashto-az-i-Dogan-imame-cheren-pechat-za-vlizane-v-Turtsiya--negoviyat-shte-e-do-grob_1725456633.jpg

В този „забранителен“ период от вече над 7 години съм давал обяснения при всеки опит да вляза в Турция. Пред няколко екипа, веднъж бяха двама от МИТ (турското ...

video4 Sept. 2024 | 16:29

In February 2022, this foundation of the geopolitical situation collapsed and the MRF party was suspended...

Boyadzhiev: The most significant event in Bulgaria in 35 years - The Sultan fled like a mouse!

Peter Boyadjiev: The most significant event in Bulgaria in 35 years - The Sultan fled like a mouse!-Petar-Boyadzhiev_1722763508.jpg

The Muslim community in Bulgaria was very important for two reasons. Firstly, because it was numerous, and secondly, because of the wounds inflicted by the ...

4 Sept. 2024 | 14:41

The population of Bulgaria is decreasing by 15 people per hour!...

M. Minchev: Why was the report of Johannes Hahn, stating that in 40 years Bulgaria and Bulgarians will vanish, hidden?

Mincho Minchev: Why was Johannes Hahn's report, stating that Bulgaria and the Bulgarians will disappear in 40 years, kept hidden?-1605721935.jpg

а?What has happened that in less than 30 years, Bulgarians have been dying at such a rate and our country has lost 21% of its population? And what are the ...

4 Sept. 2024 | 13:47

Талантът му го дърпаше навсякъде, където Иван можеше да предложи на зрителите си своите социално-рентгенови очи

Енчо Господинов: IN MEMORIAM. Иван Гарелов. Момчето с барета и куаза

Енчо Господинов: IN MEMORIAM. Иван Гарелов. Момчето с барета и куаза -Encho-Gospodinov--IN-MEMORIAM--Ivan-Garelov--Momcheto-s-bareta-i-kuaza-_1725367556.jpg

Доведе личната драма на Голямата Ориана Фалачи.. Има куража да се извини на българските турци за наивно-пропагандните си репортажи от южната ни граница по ...

3 Sept. 2024 | 15:38

Kamelia Neykova, Sevinch Solakova, and Erhan Chaushev are in a conflict of interests

Three members of the CEC are in conflict of interest related to the wing of Dogan

Three members of the Central Election Commission are in a conflict of interest related to the wing of Dogan in the Movement for Rights and Freedoms.-Trima-ot-TsIK-sa-v-konflikt-na-interesi--svarzani-sa-s-kriloto-na-Dogan-v-DPS_1725360365.jpg

Chairperson of the CEC Kamelia Neykova is a former member of the leadership of one of the parties in the coalition that is attempting to register Dzhevdet ...

3 Sept. 2024 | 13:34

His goal was to present events as they are, without imposing unnecessary authorial interpretations

Margarita Pesheve: The Political Balance. Ivan Garelov

Political balance. Ivan Garelov will make a decision on his participation in the elections.-Politicheskiyat-balans--Ivan-Garelov_1725358112.jpg

In his television work, Garelov did not hide that he was quite capricious, he loved well-tuned things and respected professionals. Professionalism was a moral ...

3 Sept. 2024 | 13:06