Alexander Dugin, The Trump Revolution Now everyone in Russia and the world is in shock - what is happening in the USA? The newly elected president Trump and a group of his closest allies, especially the passionate Elon Musk, are carrying out almost revolutionary activities. Trump has not yet taken office, which will happen on January 20, but America and Europe have already started shaking. This is an ideological and geopolitical tsunami that, to be honest, no one expected. Many expected that after Trump's election - as partially happened during his first term as president - he would return to more or less conventional policies. Even with his charismatic and spontaneous characteristics. We can now say that this is not the case. Trump is a revolution.
That is why right now – in this transitional period of transferring power from Biden to Trump – it makes sense to analyze very seriously: What is happening in America? And something is definitely happening there and it is very, very important. The deep state and the history of American ascent. First of all, it needs to be clarified how, with the power of the deep state, it became possible for Trump to be elected? This requires a more comprehensive review. The deep state in the United States represents the core of the state apparatus and the closely connected ideological and economic elite. The state, business, and education in the USA are one system of interconnected vessels, not something strictly separate. This is further compounded by the traditional secret societies and clubs in the USA, which have previously played the role of communication centers for the elite.
The entire complex is commonly referred to as "the Deep State". At the same time, the two main parties - Democrats and Republicans - are not carriers of any special ideologies, but rather express variations of a unified ideological, political and economic course embodied in the Deep State. The balance between them aims only to correct some secondary matters, while maintaining contact with society as a whole. After World War II, the US went through two stages: the ideological and geopolitical era of the Cold War with the USSR and the socialist bloc (1947-1991) and the period of the unipolar world or "the end of history" (1991-2024).
In the first stage, the USA were equal partners with the USSR, but in the second, they completely defeated their enemy and became the sole political-ideological world superpower (or hyperpower). The deep state, rather than the parties or any other institutions, became the subject - bearer of this unchanging line for world dominance. From the 1990s, this domination began to take on the character of a left-liberal ideology. Its formula was a combination of the interests of the big international capital and the progressive individualistic culture. This strategy was fully embraced by the Democratic Party, and among Republicans it was supported by representatives of the "neocons."
From here on, the main ideas were the belief that only linear and constant growth is ahead: both for the American economy and the world, as well as the global spread of liberalism and liberal values. It seemed that all countries and societies around the world had adopted the American model - political representative democracy, capitalist market economy, individualistic and cosmopolitan ideology for human rights, digital technologies, and western-centric postmodern culture. The deep state in the United States shared this program and acted as a guarantor for its implementation.
Samuel Huntington and the invitation for a course correction In the early 90s, American intellectuals started hearing voices warning that this approach was wrong in the long run. This position was most clearly expressed by Samuel Huntington, who predicted a "clash of civilizations," multipolarity, and a crisis of Western-centric globalization. Instead, he proposed strengthening, rather than eroding, the American identity, as well as uniting other Western societies within just one - no longer global, but regional - Western civilization. But at the time, this seemed to be just an excessive caution of individual skeptics. And the deep state stood firmly on the side of the optimists of "the end of history," with Francis Fukuyama as the main opponent of Huntington's ideas.
This explains the continuity in the course of consecutive US presidents - Clinton, Bush, Obama (followed by Trump's "first presidency", which does not fit into this logic) and Biden. Both Democrats and Republicans (such as Bush Jr.) have expressed a single political and ideological strategy of the Deep State - globalism, liberalism, unipolarity, and hegemony. This optimistic course of the globalists began to encounter problems as early as the 2000s. Under Putin, Russia stopped blindly following the US and began to strengthen its sovereignty. This became particularly noticeable after Putin's speech in Munich in 2007, the events in Georgia in 2008, and the culmination of the annexation of Crimea in 2014 and the beginning of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine in 2022.
All this completely contradicts the plans of globalists. China, especially under Xi Jinping, has started to pursue an independent policy, taking advantage of globalization, but has put up a strong barrier towards it as soon as its logic conflicts with China's national interests and threatens to weaken its sovereignty. In the Islamic world, sporadic protests against the West have grown, both in the desire for greater independence and in rejecting imposed liberal values. In India, right-wing nationalists and traditionalists have come to power alongside Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Anti-colonial sentiments in Africa have started to grow, and countries in Latin America are beginning to feel increasingly independent from the United States and the West as a whole.
This led to the creation of BRICS as a prototype of a multipolar international system, largely independent from the West. The American deep state was faced with a serious problem: whether to continue insisting on its own agenda and ignoring the growth of antagonistic processes, attempting to suppress them through information flows, dominant narratives, and ultimately direct censorship in the media and social networks, or to take into account these trends and seek a new response to them, changing the fundamental strategy in the face of a reality that no longer corresponded to the subjective assessment of a number of American analysts. Trump and the Deep State. Trump's first presidency still seemed like an incident, a technical mistake.
Yes, Trump came into power on a wave of populism, relying on those circles in the United States who were increasingly aware of the unacceptability of the globalist agenda and rejecting the awakening (left-liberal code with principles of hyper-individualism, gender politics, feminism, LGBT, erasure of culture, promotion of migration, including illegal, critical race theory, etc.). That is when people in the United States first started talking about the "deep state." A growing contradiction emerged between it and the sentiments of the broader masses. But from 2016-2020, the deep state did not take Trump seriously and he himself did not have time to implement structural reforms as President.
After the end of his first term, the Deep State supported Biden and the Democratic Party, influencing the elections and exerting unprecedented pressure on Trump, believing that he posed a threat to the entire globalist unipolar course that the United States has been following for several decades - and overall with some success. This is where Biden's campaign slogan comes from: "Build Back Better." This meant: after the "failure" of Trump's first administration, we must return to the implementation of the globalist liberal program. But everything changed in the 2020-2024 period.
Despite relying on the Deep State, Biden has restored the previous line, but this time he had to prove that all hints of the crisis of globalization were nothing more than "enemy propaganda", "the work of Putin or Chinese agents" and "machinations of local fringe groups".
Biden, relying on the top of the Democratic Party and the "neokons", tried to present the issue in a way that it is not about a real crisis, not about problems, not about the fact that reality increasingly contradicts the ideas and projects of liberal globalists, but rather about the need to intensify pressure on their ideological opponents - to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, to stop China's regional expansion (the "One Belt - One Road" project), to sabotage BRICS and other trends towards multipolarity, to suppress populist tendencies in the United States and Europe and even to eliminate Trump (legally, politically and physically). Hence the encouragement of terrorist methods and the tightening of left-liberal censorship. In fact, it is under Biden that liberalism has finally turned into a totalitarian system.
The deep state continues to support Biden and the globalists as a whole (among their most significant representatives in Europe were Boris Johnson and Keir Starmer, Emmanuel Macron and Ursula von der Leyen). The structures of the ultra-globalist Soros are also extremely active, not only infiltrating all European institutions, but also engaging in furious activity to remove Modi in India, preparing for new color revolutions in the post-Soviet space (Moldova, Georgia, Armenia), and overthrowing neutral or even hostile anti-globalist regimes in the Islamic world – Bangladesh, Syria. But this time, the support of the globalists from the American deep state was not unconditional, but under certain conditions.
Biden and those like him had to pass a test to prove that nothing terrible was happening with globalization and that it was just technical issues that could be solved through the use of violence - ideological, media, economic, political and direct terrorist. The judge was the deep state. Biden lost the trust of the Deep State. But Biden failed. For many reasons. Russia under Putin did not surrender and resisted unprecedented pressure - sanctions, clashes with the Ukrainian terrorist regime, which was supported by all Western countries, economic challenges and a sharp decrease in the sale of natural resources, separation from high technology. Putin overcame all of this, while Biden failed to defeat Russia.
China did not give in and continued the trade war with the US without suffering critical losses. Modi could not be removed during the election campaign. BRICS held a brilliant summit in Kazan, on Russian territory, which is in conflict with the West. Multipolarity continued to rise. Israel, violating all rules and regulations, committed genocide in Gaza and Lebanon, nullifying any globalist rhetoric, and Biden had no choice but to support it. And most importantly: Trump did not give up, consolidating the Republican Party around him on an unprecedented scale, continuing and even radicalizing the populist agenda. In fact, an independent ideology gradually developed around Trump.
His main thesis was that globalism has been defeated and its crisis is not the slander of enemies or propaganda, but the actual state of things. Therefore, we must follow the path of S. Huntington, not the path of Fukuyama, return to the policy of realism and the original American (in a broader sense, Western) identity, stop the experiments with "awakening" (wokeism) and perversions, in other words, bring the American ideology back to the factory settings of early classical liberalism with its protectionism and even direct nationalism. This became the project MAGA - Make America Great Again. The Deep State changes its priorities. Precisely because Trump managed to defend his position in the horizon of the American ideological space, the Deep State did not allow the Democrats to eliminate him.
Biden (including because of his dementia) failed the "Build Back Better" exam, not convincing anyone about anything, which means that the Deep State has recognized the reality of the crisis of globalization and the old methods for its spread. That is why this time it gave Trump the opportunity to be elected and even gather around him a radical group of ideological Trumpists, represented by such prominent figures as Elon Musk, J. D. Vance, Peter Thiel, Robert Kennedy Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Kash Patel, Pete Hegseth, Tucker Carlson, and even Alex Jones. The main point here is the following: the American Deep State, by acknowledging Trump, realized the objective necessity of revising the US global strategy in ideology, geopolitics, diplomacy, etc. From here on, everything is subject to revision.
Trump and Trumpism, more broadly known as populism, have proven to be not just a technical glitch, not a random short circuit, but rather a manifestation of the true and fundamental crisis of globalism and even more so - its end. The current Trump mandate is not just another episode in the alternating power between Democrats and Republicans, who ultimately follow the same line, defended and supported by the Deep State, regardless of the results of party elections. This is the beginning of a new turning point in the history of American hegemony. This is a profound revision of its strategy, ideology, design and structures. Post-liberalism. Now let's take a closer look at the contours of Trumpism as an ideology that emerges step by step. Vice President Pence explicitly refers to himself as "post-liberal."
This signifies a complete and total break with the left-wing liberalism that has dominated the United States in recent decades. The deep state, which has no ideology at all, is now clearly ready to experiment with a significant revision of the liberal ideology, if not its complete destruction. Thus, Trumpism takes on the characteristics of a unique, independent ideology, in many ways directly opposed to the previously dominant left-wing liberalism. Trumpism as an ideology is not homogeneous and has several poles. But its general structure is now more or less clear. First and foremost, Trumpism rejects globalism, left-wing liberalism (progressivism), and "wokeness."
Trumpism crudely and openly rejects globalization, which means thinking on a global scale as a single market and cultural space, where the borders between national states are increasingly blurred and the states themselves are gradually eliminated, transferring power to supranational authorities (as in the EU). Globalists believe that this will soon lead to the creation of a World Government, as directly stated by Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and George Soros. All people on earth become citizens of the world (cosmopolitans) and receive equal rights in the context of a single economic, technological, cultural and social environment. The tools for such a process, or "Great Reset," may be a pandemic and the environmental agenda. All of this is completely unacceptable to Trumpism.
Instead, Trumpism insists on preserving national states or their integration into civilizations - at least in the context of Western civilization, where the role of the United States is to unite the West around itself. But this time we must unite not under the guise of liberal globalist ideology, but under the patronage of Trumpism itself. This closely resembles the original message of S. Huntington, who advocates for consolidating the West in opposition to other civilizations. Overall, this corresponds to "realism" in international relations, which recognizes national sovereignty and does not require its elimination. A consequence of rejecting globalism is criticism of vaccination and the "green" agenda. In this case, figures like Bill Gates and George Soros embody pure evil.
Anti-Wokeism Trumpists are also fiercely against the ideology of "awakening" (wokeism), which is expressed in: - gender politics and legalization of perversions, - critical race theory, which calls for previously suppressed peoples to take revenge on whites, - promotion of migration, including illegal, - cancel culture and imposition of liberal censorship, - postmodernism. Instead of these "progressive" and anti-traditional values of liberals, Trumpism calls for a return to traditional values (for the USA and Western civilization). In this way, they create an anti-woke ideology. Instead of the gender theory of multiple genders, only two natural genders are proclaimed. Transsexuals and the LGBT community are seen as marginal deviations, not as a social norm.
Feminism and its fierce criticism of masculinity and patriarchy are being rejected, which means that masculinity and the role of men in society are being restored to their central position. No one should apologize for being a man anymore. This is why Trumpism is sometimes referred to as a "fraternal revolution", a "men's revolution". Critical race theory has been replaced by the rehabilitation of white civilization. But white racism is only characteristic of the extreme tendencies in Trumpism. It usually ends with simply dismissing criticism against white people with a tolerant attitude towards non-whites, as long as they do not demand mandatory repentance from whites. Against immigration, Trumpism demands strict restrictions on immigration and a complete ban on illegal migrants, as well as their deportation.
Trump supporters demand a unified national identity: it is presumed that everyone who comes to Western societies from other civilizations and cultures is obligated to adopt the traditional values of the latter, rather than being left to their own devices as demanded by liberal multiculturalism. Trumpism is particularly sharp against illegal immigrants and the flow of migrants from Latin America, who are evidently changing the ethnic balance in the entire United States, where Latin Americans are becoming the majority. Additionally, their concern is provoked by the Islamic communities, which are also constantly growing and categorically do not accept Western attitudes and demands (especially considering that liberals did not demand this from them, but instead catered to the minorities in any way possible).
From another point of view, mainly economic, Trump supporters have an extremely negative attitude towards China and the activity of Chinese people in the United States. Many insist on directly taking away the territories and industries owned by Chinese businesses in the United States. African Americans do not provoke much rejection, but when they start to unite in aggressive political communities, such as BLM (Black Lives Matter) and turn criminals and drug addicts into heroes (as in the case of George Floyd), Trump supporters react strongly and decisively. Obviously, the story of Floyd and his "canonization" will soon be re-evaluated. Against left-liberal censorship, consolidated and united, Trump supporters oppose left-liberal censorship.
Under the cover of political correctness and combating extremism, the liberals have built a comprehensive system for manipulating public opinion, effectively removing freedom of speech - both in the mainstream media and in the social networks controlled by them. Anyone who even slightly disagrees or deviates from the left-liberal agenda is immediately labeled as "far-right", "racist", "fascist" or "Nazi", and is subjected to exclusion and legal harassment, including deprivation of freedom. Censorship gradually became total and Trumpism itself - along with other anti-globalist movements (mainly in Russia) as well as European populist movements or concepts of multipolarity - turned out to be its direct target.
The liberal elites openly view ordinary citizens as naive and unconscious elements of society and have redefined democracy not as "majority rule," but as "minority rule." Anything that did not align with the left-liberal agenda was labeled as "fake news," "Putin propaganda," conspiracy theories and dangerous extremist views, requiring punitive measures. This greatly reduced the zone of acceptability and anything that differed from the dogma of awakened ultra-left liberalism was deemed unacceptable, persecuted and blocked. This applied to all canons of liberal globalization - gender, migration, critical race theory, vaccination, etc.
In fact, liberalism has become totalitarian and completely intolerant, with "inclusion" only understood as turning a person into a liberal. Trumpism radically rejects all of this and insists on restoring freedom of speech, which has gradually been completely removed over the past decades. No privileges should be given to any ideology and the protection of freedom of expression throughout the spectrum of possible ideologies - from the far right to the far left - forms the basis of Trumpism's ideology. Against postmodernism, Trumpists also reject postmodernism, which is usually associated with "progressive" left-liberal movements in culture and art.
At the same time, Trumpism has not yet developed its own unique style and is limited only to pushing postmodernist culture off its pedestal and calling for diversification of cultural exploration. Overall, Trumpists oppose postmodernism and its inherent active nihilism with traditional values - religion, sports, family, morality, etc. In most cases, supporters of Trumpism are not sophisticated intellectuals and rather demand relativization of the postmodern dictatorship and re-examination of the principle of turning degenerate art into the norm. However, some ideologists of Trumpism propose the "capture" of postmodernism by the left liberals and the creation of an alternative postmodernism, tentatively called "right-wing postmodernism."
They advocate for the adoption of the principle of irony and deconstruction, turning it against left-liberal formulas and canons, even though it has previously been used specifically against traditionalists and conservatives. Even during Trump's first election campaign, his supporters united on the platform 4chan, starting a serial production of ironic memes and absurd discourse, which mocks and deliberately provokes liberals. Some of them (such as Curtis Yarvin or Nick Land) go even further and present the thesis of "dark enlightenment", offering its counter-liberal interpretation and even calling for the establishment of a monarchy in the USA.
In a certain sense, the second person in Trump's team appears to be a postmodernist - Elon Musk, who greatly contributed to his victory by combining traditional values and right-wing policies with a futuristic leap into the future and a focus on technology development. Peter Thiel, one of the biggest businessmen in Silicon Valley, shares the same mindset. From Hayek to Soros and back - from the perspective of left liberals, the political history of humanity in the last few centuries has moved from classical liberalism towards its left and even extreme left versions.
If classical liberals tolerated perversions, but only on an individual level, and never elevated them to norms, let alone laws, then progressive liberals did exactly that and, just like the old liberals, began to eradicate all forms of collective identity, leading individualism to absurdity. This process can be traced through the example of three emblematic figures of 20th century liberal ideology. Friedrich von Hayek, the founder of neoliberalism, believed that we should reject any ideologies that prescribe what a person should think and do. This was still the old classical liberalism, extolling complete individual freedom and an unlimited market.
His student Karl Popper develops his critique of totalitarian ideologies of fascism and communism, expanding it to include Plato and Hegel. Popper's totalitarian tendencies are now clearly noticeable. He labels liberals and supporters of liberalism as the "open society," while anyone who thinks differently is referred to as "enemies of the open society" and deliberately ordered to be put to an end - even before they have a chance to harm or delay the formation of the "open society."
Popper's student George Soros takes another step in this direction, calling for the overthrow of any non-liberal regimes, support for the most radical - often terrorist - movements that oppose these regimes, and merciless punishment, criminalization, and elimination of opponents of the "open society" in the West itself. Soros has declared Trump, Putin, Modi, Xi Jinping, Orban and others as his personal enemies and desperately and actively (using his enormous capital gained through speculations) started to fight against them. It was he who became the organizer of the color revolutions in Eastern Europe, the post-Soviet space, the Islamic world, and even in Southeast Asia and Africa.
He fully supported the brutal measures to restrict personal freedoms during the Covid-19 pandemic, promoting mandatory universal vaccination and harshly persecuting all dissidents against Covid. This is how the new liberalism becomes openly totalitarian, extremist and terrorist. Trumpism proposes to reverse this sequence Hayek-Popper-Soros. And let's go back to the beginning - that is, to the permissive anti-totalitarian and somewhat classical liberalism of Hayek. Some Trumpists go even further and call for a return to the ingrained American traditionalism that preceded the Civil War in the USA. Our review gives an idea of the most general contours of the ideology of Trumpism. But in this overall context, special, partly antagonistic, poles are gradually emerging.
All Trump supporters, to some extent, share the above points, but they emphasize them in different ways and sometimes even in an extremely antagonistic way. One of the dividing lines is what has recently been called "the conflict between right-wing technocrats and right-wing traditionalists." The undisputed leader and symbol of the right-wing technocrats is Elon Musk. He combines technological futurism (the technological right), the famous promise of human flight to Mars, the development of new technologies with the promotion of conservative values and active, aggressive support for right-wing populism. His position is well known and now the whole West is following it closely.
Even before Trump took office, Musk started actively promoting a new right-wing conservative agenda on his network X, actually claiming to replace Soros' agenda. The latter actively weaves left-liberal networks on a global scale, bribing politicians and changing regimes in both hostile countries and neutral and even friendly countries. Now Elon Musk is involved in this and will probably be supported by Zuckerberg, the creator of Meta, who recently joined Trumpism and promised to remove woke censorship on his networks - Instagram and Facebook. Musk, the creator of Paypal Peter Thiel and Zuckerberg represent the poles of "right-wing technocrats".
But in the United States, a group has formed among the Trump supporters, led mainly by Steve Bannon, former (in the first term) advisor to Trump on national security. Bannon and his supporters are called the "traditional right". The conflict arose over the granting of permanent residency permits to legal immigrants, which Musk supported and which Bannon strongly opposed.
Bannon outlines the positions of American nationalism, whose supporters are also Trump's most important electoral support, insisting on more complex procedures for obtaining American citizenship and raising the thesis "America for Americans!" Many supported Bannon, who pointed out to Musk that he only recently joined the conservatives, while American nationalists have been fighting for these values for decades. Thus, contradictions between right-wing globalism, futurism, and technocracy on one hand, and right-wing nationalism on the other, emerged in Trumpism. This contradiction was recently pointed out cleverly by American anti-woke comedian Sam Hyde. Another line of confrontation has also emerged - between pro-Israel and anti-Israel Trumpists.
It is known that President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Pete Hegseth, nominated for the position of US Secretary of Defense in the new administration, are staunch supporters of Israel. Trump's choice is likely due in part to his pro-Israel stance and his strong personal support for Netanyahu. The Jewish lobby is extremely powerful in the United States. But at the same time, a number of realists - such as John Mearsheimer, Jeffrey Sachs, or the well-known non-conformist journalist and researcher Alex Jones - categorically reject this aspect of Trumpism and insist that the US adopt a more sober approach to the balance of power in the Middle East and pursue policies based on its own interests, often conflicting with those of Israel. At the same time, within the Trump camp, the same individuals can take different positions when it comes to these two axes. Вторият е "Акме" (Awakening) и се свързва с лятното време. Третият оборот е" Дискретизатор" (Unraveling) и е сравним с есента. Четвъртият и последен оборот се нарича "Сблъсък" (Crisis) и е като зима
In this way, Alex Jones, who is critical towards Israel, supports Musk, while Musk's opponent Steve Bannon focuses on support for Israel. Theory of Generations It is worth mentioning a few words about the theory of generations, developed some time ago by two authors - William Strauss and Neil Howe. This will partly explain the place of Trumpism in American political and social history. According to this theory, the United States can be traced through a system of constantly changing cycles - large (about 85 years, the conventional length of a human life) and small. Each large cycle (saeculum, age) consists of four parts or turnings. 4 turnings can be considered as 4 seasons. The first turning is called "High" and corresponds to spring. The second is "Awakening" and is associated with summer. The third turning is "Unraveling" and is comparable to autumn. The fourth and final turning is called "Crisis" and is like winter.
The second one is "Awakening" and corresponds to summer. The third one is "Unravel" and corresponds to autumn. The fourth one - "Crisis" and corresponds to winter. Each cycle lasts approximately 21 years and corresponds to a specific generation. That's why the theory is called "generation theory". It is usually mentioned when expressions like "the greatest generation" (1900-1923), "silent generation" (1923-1943), "baby boomer generation" (1943-1963), "Generation X" (1963-1984), "Generation Y" (1984-2004) or "Generation Z, Millennials" (2004-2024) are used. According to Strauss-Howe theory, the 1940s-1950s are described as the first generation of the Great Cycle. This is the first phase of the "great cycle", which the authors call "High".
This period is characterized by a powerful mobilization of the population, social upswing and strengthening of social institutions. This is an era of enthusiasm, optimism, solidarity and an uprise of values. It follows the second round of the 60s-70s of the 20th century - "Awakening". This is the era of focusing on the inner world - the time of hippies, psychedelics, and spiritual quests. Along with this, there is a transition towards (spiritual) individualism and the erosion of social solidarity begins. This is the period of rock music and the emancipation of morals. After that, there comes the era of gradual decay - the 80s-90s of the 20th century. The cycle called "Unraveling". A transition from spiritual individualism to domestic, materialistic. Sociality is corroded and falls apart. Hippies and classic rock are replaced by punk ("no future"), techno, and industrial.
From the 2000s to the 2020s, the final turn - "Crisis" is being fulfilled. Its marker is the terrorist attack by Islamic fundamentalists against the World Trade Center in New York - September 11th. This is followed by intensive intervention by the United States in various parts of the world, followed by a pandemic and war in Ukraine. The social fabric is completely falling apart. Optimism is fading. Society is rapidly declining. This is the aggressive agony of the ending cycle. In power are completely incompetent Republicans or Democrats with extremely low intellectual levels - Bush Jr., the narcissistic half-black Obama, the elderly man with dementia Joe Biden. Individualism turns into legalization of perversions. This is the era of "awakening" (woke-ism) with its gender politics, post-humanism, and dark ecology. It turns out that the 2023 election is.
In the context of the saeculum generational theory, there is nothing more than a change of centuries. Trumpism here represents an exit from the New Century and entering into the first cycle of the new one - a new "High" period. All trends from the previous century and especially the "Crisis" have been removed. Liberalism in the form of "awakening" (woke-ism) has been completely rejected. The next cycle begins with new settings, principles, and rules. Trump puts an end to the "Crisis" and marks the transition to the "Highs". At the time when the theory of generations was created, critics had a rather favorable attitude towards it. But when liberals realized how seriously this theory undermines their authority and ideology, they were reminded and attacked it with fierce criticism, trying to prove its unscientific nature.
Ironically, the debate over whether she is scientific or not determined the outcome of the 2024 elections and the Deep state's allowance of Trump's victory. Perhaps some parts of the Deep state have become familiar with the "Strauss-Howe theory" and have found it to be realistic enough. And if that is the case, then we should not be surprised by the swift dismantling of left-liberalism and its structures and view Trumpism as something transitional and temporary, after which we will begin to return to the previous line. Most likely, this return will never start again, as the great cycle has changed. At least if this theory is correct. In the meantime, it seems quite convincing. The geopolitics of Trumpism. Now let's turn to another aspect of Trumpism - foreign policy.
The key here is to shift the focus from a global perspective to American centrism and expansionism. Trump's messages about annexing Canada as the 51st state, purchasing Greenland, taking control of the Panama Canal, and renaming the Gulf of Mexico to the "American Gulf" are the most vivid examples of this. All of these are clear signs of an attack on realism in international relations and, in addition, a return to the Monroe Doctrine after a century dominated by the Wilson Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine from the 19th century declares the priority of US foreign policy to establish control over the North American continent and partly over the South American one, with the aim of weakening and completely removing the influence of European powers from the Old World over the New World.
The Wilson Doctrine, created after the First World War, became the roadmap for American globalists, as it shifted the focus from the United States as a national state to a planetary mission to expand the norms of liberal democracy to all of humanity and maintain its global structures. The United States itself took a back seat to this international mission. During the Great Depression, they were not focused on the Wilson Doctrine, but after the Second World War, they returned to this topic. In recent decades, it has actually dominated. In this case, of course, it didn't matter who owned Canada, Greenland or the Panama Canal: in the end, liberal democratic regimes controlled by the globalist elite were in charge everywhere.
But today Trump drastically changes the focus. Now once again the USA as a country "matters" and demand Canada, Denmark and Panama to submit not to the World government (which Trump is actually now dissolving), but to Washington, USA and to Trump himself - as a charismatic leader from the "Heights" period. The map of the United States with fifty-one states (including Puerto Rico), Greenland and the Panama Canal vividly illustrates this turn from the Wilson doctrine to the Monroe doctrine. Dismantling the globalist regimes in Europe. The most surprising thing that has already stunned the West is the speed with which the Trumpists, even before consolidating their power, began to implement their program at the international level. So Elon Musk in his network X by December 2024 …
Active policy for removing leaders unfavorable to (this time to the Trumpists) the USA has begun. Until now, the Soros structures have been doing this in favor of the globalists. Musk, without wasting time, has also started to run similar campaigns - but only in favor of anti-globalists and European populists, such as "Alternative for Germany" and its leader Alice Weidel in Germany, Nigel Farage in the UK, Marine Le Pen in France. And the government of Denmark, which does not want to voluntarily give up Greenland, and Trudeau in Canada, who opposes the fact that his country will become the real 51st state of America, have received it.
European globalists, representing the ties of the former network, were completely bewildered and began to protest against the direct intervention of the United States in European politics, to which Musk and the Trumpists responded reasonably that no one has objected to Soros and his interference - so please accept our version! If the United States are the masters of the world, please submit, just as you submitted to Obama, Biden, and Soros, in other words - to the Deep State. Musk and most likely Thiel, Zuckerberg and other owners of global networks have begun to dismantle the globalist system - mainly in Europe and to bring to power or support populist leaders who share the ideas and strategies of the Trumpists.
It was easiest to fit into this model Hungary's Orbán, Slovakia's Fico, or Italy's Meloni, that is, these regimes that already relied on traditional values and opposed globalists with varying degrees of severity. But in other countries, Trumpists intend to change power in any way possible - essentially, just like their globalist predecessors. Now an unprecedented campaign by Musk against Keir Starmer has been launched in the UK, where he has been exposed as an apologist and even an accomplice of "enraged immigrant gangs of Pakistani rapists in the UK." If such a heavy attack comes from Washington, the British have no choice but to believe it.
"Musk is starting to apply something similar to what he did against Macron but also against the German liberals who are trying to stop the rapid growth of the popularity of the right-wing populist party "Alternative for Germany". Europe was already strictly pro-American, but now Washington is changing its ideological course, if not 180 degrees, at least by 90 degrees. And such harshness towards the European rulers, who have just learned to obediently perform every wish of their owner like trained circus animals, seems painful. They are immediately required to condemn what they have faithfully served (ie with cynicism and lies) and to pledge allegiance to the new Trumpist ideological headquarters. Some will curse, others will resist. But the process has been launched – the Trumpists are destroying liberals and globalists in Europe."
Once again, strictly following Huntington's prescriptions. The Trumpists need a consolidated West as a geopolitical and ideologically integrated civilization. Essentially, this is about creating a full-fledged American empire. Anti-Chinese. The other fundamental line of the Trumpists in international politics is the opposition to China. China represents for them the epitome of everything they hate in left-wing liberalism and globalization: left-wing ideology and internationalism. China embodies both in their eyes and they traditionally associate it with the policies of their own American globalists.
Of course, modern China is a much more complex phenomenon, but the Trumpist anti-China consensus is based on the fact that China, as a stronghold of non-white and non-Western civilization, has taken advantage of globalization and not only risen to the status of an independent pole, but also purchased a significant portion of American industry, business, and land. The relocation of industry to Southeast Asia in search of cheaper labor has deprived the United States of its industrial potential, its industrial sovereignty, making the country dependent on external sources. And China's isolated ideology makes it obviously uncontrollable by the United States. The Trumpists place all blame for the "Chinese miracle" on their own globalists, placing China as their main enemy.
Compared to China, Russia appears insignificant and is currently disappearing from the radar screens. The top enemy becomes China. Once again, all the blame for the global disorder is attributed to American globalists. Pro-Israel trend is the second most important topic of Trumpism in foreign policy, with support for Israel and the "far right" there. We saw that this is not a consensus among the Trumpists themselves, where there is also an anti-Israel segment, but as a whole the main vector is pro-Israel. This is based on the Protestant theory of Judeo-Christianity, which accepts the coming of the Jewish Messiah as a moment of conversion of the Jews to Christianity and the mutual rejection of Islam. Тръмп Translate:
The Islamophobia of the Trumpists fuels their solidarity with Israel (and vice versa), which in general creates one of the most important vectors of their policy in the Middle East. In this sense, the Shiite pole of Islam, the most active in its anti-Israeli policy, is perceived by the Trumpists as the greatest evil. Hence the brutal hostility towards Iran, Iraqi Shiites and the Houthis in Yemen, as well as the Alawites in Syria. Trumpism has a strong anti-Shiite bias and is generally loyal to right-wing and far-right Zionism. Against Latin Americans The factor of Latin Americans is the most important from the point of view of the US domestic policy. And again, S. Trump is important here.
Huntington, who several decades ago drew attention to the fact that the main threat to North American identity and its main type, WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant), came from the influx of Latin Americans. American immigration, which has a completely different - Catholic-Latin - identity. Until a certain point, Huntington claims, Anglo-Saxons could assimilate other peoples into their system, but with the massive influx of Latin Americans, this is no longer possible. Thus, xenophobia takes on a more specific vector in the US - hostility towards mass migration specifically from Latin American countries. In response to this wave, in his first term, Trump began the construction of the Great Wall.
This defines the attitude of Trump supporters towards countries in Latin America: they see them as a whole as "leftists" and, equally broadly, as a source of criminal migration. Returning to the Monroe Doctrine means that the United States must exercise stricter control over countries in Latin America. This directly leads to a worsening of relations with Mexico and, in particular, calls for complete control over the Panama Canal. Forget about Russia, not to mention Ukraine. Russia seems like an insignificant factor in the international policies of Trump supporters. They do not have an ideological or inherent Russophobia like the globalists, but they also do not feel great sympathy towards Russia.
Among Trump supporters there are a number of Russophiles who believe that Russia is part of the white Christian civilization and that it is criminal and reckless to push further into the Chinese embrace. But such people are a minority. For most Trump supporters, Russia simply does not matter. Economically, it does not pose a serious competition (unlike China), there is no diaspora in the US, and the conflict with Ukraine is something regional, insignificant and the responsibility for it lies with the globalists (the enemies of the Trumpists). Of course, it would be good to end the conflict in Ukraine, but if that doesn't happen quickly, the Trumpists will leave this issue to the European globalist regimes, which will become overburdened and weakened in such a confrontation. And this only works in favor of the Trumpists.
Ukraine, on the other hand, is not at all important or significant and can only make sense in the overall investigation of corruption adventures by the Obama and Biden administrations. Of course, in the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, Trump supporters do not take a pro-Russian position for the most part, but their support for Ukraine, especially on the unprecedented scale it had during Biden's term, is excluded. Passive multipolarity It is worth examining the relationship of Trumpism with multipolarity. The theory of a multipolar world is hardly fully acceptable to them. Trumpism is a new edition of American hegemony: except that here unipolarity has completely different content and nature from that of the globalists.
At the heart of the global system are the United States and their traditional values, namely the white Christian West, which is quite patriarchal, but at the same time recognizes freedom, individualism and the market. All others are offered either to follow the West, or to find themselves outside its zone of prosperity and development. This is no longer inclusion, but limited exclusivity. The West is a club that still requires a lot of effort to enter. Therefore, the Trumpists are not interested in other civilizations at all. If they insist on going their own way, let them. Worse for them. But if they want to join the West, they will have to pass a series of serious tests. And they will still remain second-class societies.
In other words, this is not an active and assertive multipolarity, but a passive and permissive one: if you can't be the West, be yourself. Trumpists have no intention of building a multipolar world, but they have nothing against it. In any case, it will arise on the residual principle. Not everyone can be the West, others can either strive for this goal, or remain themselves. Internal American multipolarity The most important element of Trumpism ideology is its focus mainly on internal problems of the United States. The slogans "MAGA" and "America First!" emphasize this in every possible way. As a result, Trumpists face the phenomenon of multipolarity not so much in foreign, but in internal politics.
Yes, they are striving to establish US hegemony on new ideological grounds, but domestic policy remains a priority for them. And Trumpism is faced with multipolarity, with independent civilizations primarily in America itself. In the theory of a multipolar world, we talk about 7 main civilizations: - Western, - Russian-Eurasian, - Chinese, - Indian, - Islamic, - African, and - Latin American. They form a heptarchical structure, where the individual poles are already consolidated and anchored in state civilizations, while others are in a virtual state. This is exactly what Huntington describes (with the addition of a Japanese-Buddhist civilization). In foreign policy, Trumpism is not overly concerned with the heptarchy.
Unlike globalists, Trump supporters no longer have the goal of sabotaging the process of multipolarity and attacking BRICS, but they clearly have no interest in promoting multipolarity either. That is why the hegemony becomes most sensitive in domestic politics. And here, on the contrary, its presence is felt quite sharply. We are talking about massive and sometimes very significant diasporas in the United States. Since the norms of awakening and inclusivity have been abolished, in the US it is once again allowed to openly discuss race, ethnic and religious identity. And so, as we have already seen, a major problem is the Latin American diaspora. It threatens the very WASP identity of the United States, which it actively undermines.
This logically leads to the demonization of anything related to Latin America - the ethnic mafia, the flow of immigrants through the wall, the spread of drugs from the Latin cartels, human trafficking, etc. Latin America is presented within the United States and this overall image is negative and destructive. Therefore, the Latin American pole will certainly be viewed negatively, which is already starting to affect the escalation of relations with Mexico. The Monroe Doctrine, which Trump adopts, assumes unconditional US dominance in the New World, which clearly contradicts the formation of an independent pole in Latin America. Here, Trump supporters will be more or less radical. The second internal factor is the growing sinophobia.
China is the main economic and financial competitor of the US, and the presence of a powerful Chinese factor in the North American economy only worsens the problem multiple times. This power pole within and outside the US will also be viewed through the lens of hostility. The Islamic world has traditionally been an opponent of right-wing American conservatives. The unconditional support for Israel, no matter how extreme its actions may be, is partly influenced by Islamophobia. Muslim communities are widely represented in the United States and the West as a whole, and in the eyes of Trump supporters, they are considered enemies. The Indian factor is completely different. Today, there is a huge Indian diaspora in the US and in some sectors, especially in Silicon Valley, Indians usually dominate.
Trump's closest associates such as Vivek Ramaswami and Kash Patel are Indians. Vice President Pence has a Hindu wife. And Tulsi Gabbard, an ethnic Hawaiian, has embraced Hinduism as her religion. Despite the nationalist segment of Trump supporters, specifically Steve Bannon and Ann Coulter, recently speaking out against the growing influence of Indians in the United States and within Trump's inner circle, as a whole, Trump supporters have a positive attitude towards India as a pole within and outside the United States. Furthermore, they do not hide their desire to turn India into a major support for cheap industrial labor instead of China. Therefore, the attitude towards Indian civilization here is rather positive.
The problem with Africa as a whole does not concern Trump supporters much, but again this pole is conceptualized through the issue with African Americans in the United States. Their racial consolidation against whites, supported by globalists, is seen as a threat. Therefore, here it is more likely that the factor for further assimilation of the African American segment and opposition to its isolation will play a role. This will also affect the justification of migration from Africa to the United States itself. Another member of the heptarchy is Russia. But unlike all other civilizations, the presence of Russians in the United States is extremely limited.
They do not represent any ethnic mass and are often fully integrated into the socio-cultural systems of the United States, blending in with the white population along with representatives of other European nations. Therefore, Trump supporters have a hard time and most often retroactively interpret Russia as a pole. The USSR was once the main geopolitical opponent of the US and the West as a whole. Sometimes this image is projected onto contemporary Russia, but this hostile image was so actively exploited by the globalists in the previous stage that it completely exhausted its negative content. For the new Trumpist course, Russia is rather indifferent than hostile. Although there are polarities - both Russophobic and Russophilic (less represented).
In this way, the attitude of Trump supporters towards multipolarity will largely be determined by internal American processes. So Trumpism is an ideology. It has both political-philosophical and geopolitical dimensions. Gradually, it will become more pronounced, but even now it is not difficult to identify its main characteristics.