BTA: Dogan has requested to have real influence over the decisions of the future cabinet

In practice, the ARF is questioning the successful completion of negotiations

BNR: Dogan has demanded to have real influence on the decisions of the future government.

8045 | 13 Jan. 2025 | 15:22

Negotiations are entering decisive hours, while tension arises due to new demands from the party "Democracy, Rights and Freedoms - ARF" - a party close to Ahmed Dogan, which is expected to provide support in the plenary hall

Despite being in the final stretch, the agreement for support of the cabinet with the first mandate of GERB-UDF is still questionable.

 Decisive hours of negotiations are taking place, and tension has arisen due to new claims from the party "Democracy, Rights and Freedoms - DRF", a party close to Ahmed Dogan, which is expected to support in the plenary hall, informs BNR.

 Despite the initial agreement not to have their representatives in the executive power, today they have asked for deputy ministerial positions and actual influence over the decisions of the future cabinet, which was not well received by the three agreed upon parties and practically puts into question the successful completion of the negotiations, emphasized the BNR reporter.

 So far, only BSP has announced publicly the names of the deputy prime minister and the four ministers in the future cabinet, whom they stand behind.

 According to information from BNR, GERB has nominated Tomislav Donchev for Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Innovation and Growth. Temenushka Petkova will be the Minister of Finance, Georgi Georgiev - Minister of Justice, Zhecho Stankov - Minister of Energy, and Krasimir Valtchev - Minister of Education.

 The surprise is in the appointments for the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Interior. GERB is proposing Daniel Mitov for the Ministry of Interior, and Georgi Georgiev for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Acting Minister of Defense, Atanas Zapryanov, will retain his position.

 There will also be a Deputy Prime Minister from TISP, but they have not yet determined who it will be.

 Slavi Trifonov's party will also receive four ministries - Silvi Kirilov will head the Ministry of Health, an actor will lead the Ministry of Culture, an unknown expert will lead the Ministry of Economy, and a well-known politician will lead the Ministry of Transportation.

 The president is expected to schedule a date for the delivery of the exploratory mandate when he receives confirmation that the negotiations have concluded.


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