Boyan Chukov

A "Austro-Hungarian core" is being formed, which in the future will try to explode the EU from within.An "Austro-Hungarian core" is being formed, which in the future will attempt to disrupt the EU from the inside.

Boyan Chukov: Did Orbán secretly convey a message from Zelensky to Putin?

98797 | 6 July 2024 | 13:37

.The "resurrection" of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is becoming increasingly evident. Behind Viktor Orban stands the Holy See and the old European aristocracy, which is connected to European industrial capital.

Boyan Chukov, Telegram: Viktor Orban's visit to Moscow is significant. He stated that he does not represent the EU, but rather the adequate part of humankind that wants peace. And peace can only be achieved through working for it. Moscow works for peace and Orban is working in the same direction. Interesting detail! Orban visited Moscow immediately after his meeting with Zelensky in Kiev. Why did he do it? Did Zelensky secretly deliver a message to Orban about Putin, without being censored by his curators?


Lately, it is felt that the former successful comedian in the Russian world is more in the British orbit than the American one. And this, especially after Brexit, is not the same. Orban may want to replace Erdogan as the main mediator between the Kremlin and the united West. Immediately after taking over the presidency of the EU, Viktor made a claim to be a global peacekeeper.


In addition to the above versions, it can be assumed that after the meeting with Putin, only the Hungarian knows exactly what Putin wants, what his conditions for peace are. What are the conditions for which the Russian president will not back down? Let us not forget also that Budapest has specific plans regarding the current Ukrainian lands, populated by ethnic Hungarians (156,566 in 2001).


And there are too many of them for Budapest not to take them into account. Finally, it is becoming increasingly clear that the "revival" of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is happening. Behind Viktor Orban stands the Holy See and the old European aristocracy, connected to European industrial capital. The Hungarian Prime Minister is a kind of leader and representative of the young "Austro-Hungarians".


Viktor Orban is a Protestant, but that does not matter in this case. Намаляване на военните бюджети в ЕС The formation of an "Austro-Hungarian core" in the EU is taking place, which in the future will attempt to explode the European Union from within, similar to an "Austro-Hungarian" Exit. It includes Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, and silently Austria. All within the influence zone of the Vatican. In the future, Catholic Bavaria is also expected to join.


This is where the conflict between the Vatican and the City of London lies, directly connected to the Bank for International Settlements in Basel.


According to information from Russian Telegram channels, in Moscow, Viktor Orban has discussed with Vladimir Putin the following conditions from the Russian side:


1. Ceasefire. Exchange of all prisoners.


2. Ukraine does not join NATO. No NATO forces on Ukrainian territory.


3. Demilitarization of Ukraine. Limit on the number of Ukrainian military personnel and military equipment.


4. Russia does not withdraw its forces.


5. Reduction of military budgets in the EU. Crimea, the DPR, and the LPR, as well as the land corridor in Crimea, remain for Russia.


This is a fact, but not legally recognized. Russia wants the Ukrainian Armed Forces to leave the cities of Kherson, Zaporizhia, Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Konstantinovka, and all territories belonging to the new subjects of the Russian Federation.


Russia also wants the West to lift all sanctions. No agreements have been reached on the following issues:


1. Numbers for demilitarization.


2. The status of the Russian language in Ukraine. Moscow wants Russian to be the second official language and for all bans on its use to be lifted.


3. Decommunization. Russia wants the disbandment of all neo-Nazi armed groups. Comment: To say that Viktor Orban is a "Putin's agent" is more than foolish.


The Hungarian strictly pursues the national interests of Hungary and aligns with the strategy of the Vatican. Recently in Budapest was held a forum of conservative global forces. Advisor to Trump, Steve Bannon, was present, who is the Republican equivalent of Soros. Steve Bannon has started building networks similar to Soros' around the world, including in our country.


The Democrats and their agents of influence are trying to portray them as "Russian networks". But that is not the case. Viktor Orban's connection to Donald Trump is obvious. The old European aristocracy, connected to European industrial capital, needs the cheap resource base of Russia. Otherwise, Europe will go bankrupt and deindustrialize. Industry is moving to the USA, China, Vietnam and others. Even the simplest things were learned by the primitive and generously paid Euro-Atlantic agitators (bloggers, journalists and academic "stars") who colonize the major Bulgarian national media only with "useful idiots" who are a steady number and no longer "multiply" mentally.


But they are still indecent and embarrassingly many for us Bulgarians. That is why the noisiest Euro-Atlantic politicians in our country, who scream and shout on all national media, are losing electoral weight. This will become particularly evident in the early elections this fall.


This is the main dividing line within Bulgarian political parties, which are shaken by scandals and divisions. Being nationally responsible does not mean being a "Putinist"! The more intelligent have understood this long ago. For the rest, Vladimir Vysotsky sings in his song "Song of the Transmigration of Souls": But if you're as dull as a tree - you'll be born a baobab And you'll be a baobab for a thousand years, until you die. Such situations! Imagination abounds! You were proud and honorable, but you were born a fool.


And if such a position is not enough to please you, Be grateful that you didn't become a beast. Obviously, the great trickery begins. Last year, the Ukrainian counteroffensive failed with a bang and a shake. The US&Co realized that they couldn't defeat Russia militarily.


The US doesn't have the resources to fight on two fronts. Against China and Russia. Not to mention the Middle East. The American case in Ukraine is completely transferred to the Europeans with the curator London. The Americans focus their resources and efforts in the Asia-Pacific region (APR), against China.


This summer, Russian media have been talking a lot about a potential attack by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. A time frame for the attack was also given, but it is now closing. This indicates that Moscow does not currently have the strength and resources for an attack.


There are no possibilities for taking over Odessa, Nikolaev, Kiev and others. At least, these were the Russian ambitions up until this point. Putin said that "Odessa is a Russian city" and all Russophiles were ecstatic. But as Nikolay Haytov said, "It's one thing to want, another to be able, and third and fourth - to actually do it."


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