Storm of dissatisfaction against Dogan's circle. Atalay and Ibramov are called to leave

How will Ramadan be beneficial! I can barely look, I can barely sit! Why this greed?," writes Saydie Gyu Lahmed in her blog

Storm of discontent against the environment of Dogan. Deputies urge Atalay and Ibramov to leave

379772 | 1 Dec. 2024 | 18:08

"People, brothers argue with each other, father with son, husband with wife, the old sinners to go and spend their money earned by MRF. Look at yourselves, for how many years you have been in this position, be ashamed!

Storm of dissatisfaction against Dogan's circle. Atalay and Ibramov are called to leave-Burya-ot-nedovolstvo-sreshtu-obkrazhenieto-na-Dogan--Zovat-Atalay-i-Ibryamov-da-si-hodyat_1733069736.jpgNikolay Barekov included in the gathering called Central Council of MRF-I-Nikolay-Barekov-prichislen-kam-sbirkata--narechana-Tsentralen-savet-na-DPS_1733083686.jpg


 "Ramadan Atalay is saying these absurdities to the Byzantines around him. Any normal thinking person would ask themselves, if Peevski has taken over the state, why isn't Atalay also living in luxury? And how is he deciding on Bulgarian courts and what to write in them? Acting like a ruler?"

 That is written in the first comment under the publication "Ramadan Atalay: Just as Peevski took over the entire state, he can also take over GERB, BSP, and other formations", posted on the official Facebook page of the MRF, where in recent days, a real storm has erupted against the closest associates of Ahmed Dogan, reports

 Yellow Card to the CSD against the Environment of Dogan

 The reason that triggered the dissatisfaction was the meeting held, announced as a "session of the Central Council of MRF, dedicated to analyzing the results of the last parliamentary elections and discussing the possibilities for forming a parliamentary majority and selecting a chairman of the National Assembly", at which a yellow card was raised against Dogan's close associates, according to those present at the event.

 The meeting was led by Dzhevdet Chakarov in the absence of Ahmed Dogan. His absence caused a deafening roar, the consequences of which are pouring out on the internet forum of the group "I support Ahmed Dogan". She is written by Elvan Atilla under the personal leadership of the honorary chairman and is therefore considered an important factor in the moods within the Dogan faction - to some extent even as the official personal website of Dogan himself.

 After the meeting of the so-called Central Council, it was announced that the composition of the Central Election Commission has been filled, but no names were revealed - neither to the media, nor to the group. This silence also provokes dissatisfaction. "The new composition of the Central Election Commission?" asks Seid Kemal, while another adds: "Why doesn't the press center publish the CEC's composition, is it a state secret? "

 Nikolay Barekov was also included in the meeting, called the Central Council of the MRF.

 The most active participant in the meeting was Jehan Ibrahimov, who constantly emphasized the merits of Dogan, thereby highlighting his closeness to him. Yuzhel Attila was not left behind, highlighting the contribution of his wife Elvan Attila in maintaining the Facebook group page "I support Ahmed Dogan," which, according to him, led the main battle against Peevski and his formation. Thus, the two VIP families in MRF entered into public competition for the heart of the honorary chairman.

 On this occasion, Ali Ismail writes: "Dear friends from the Central Council of MRF. This is good news that you have gathered. Although with a significant delay. Enough repeating like parrots about Mr. Dogan's contribution, but work for new structures and new people who will work for the rights and freedoms of Bulgarian citizens! Without fear, without envy, without hatred!"

 OUT! Ramadan Atalay Urged to Step Down and Spend Millions

 There have been particularly angry comments from within the Dogan group against Ramadan Atalay, who is being openly called on to "step down and spend the millions earned on the backs of the poor electorate."

 Saidie Gyulakhmed is categorical: "Out with the old faces!" And she turns sharply to Atalay: "Aren't you ashamed to continue holding onto positions for 40 years and even pushing out the young ones and wanting to crush them, huh??? What good is Ramadan for! He can barely see, barely sit! Why this greed? We were silent about the elections, we were silent about Mr. Dogan, but where is your conscience? OUT!!!"

 Fani Drencheva makes a serious incision on the problem "Atalay and the patronage system": "There are entire families that pass on privileges from generation to generation and positions to connected people, with pure hearts, with desires for work and striving for development, there simply aren't any!! In other words, our membership and our voice are only needed to choose a few MPs who receive salaries in parliament!!

 This way everything is exhausted!! Include young, educated and untainted people in the process of building and sustaining the party, because if this doesn't happen, these people with legitimate reason will lose interest and in the next elections there will only be people like Mr. Atalay, which will lead to the end of the party!!

 This is the beginning of an expected collapse. It's not surprising for the quickly formed organization and their group in parliament to self-dissolve and self-destruct by New Year. Ramadan and his clique are trembling for their immunity, pressuring the banks in parliament, because without Bay Ahmed, Bay Stavri awaits them - strict, but fair”, cannot contain his irony, disgusted by what is happening.

 The focus of the anger of Ahmed Dogan's sympathizers also falls on Jeyhan Ibramov and Turhan Karakas, who should "have their leave due to the election failure in Shumen."

 "35 years, is that all we have been waiting for? When will we see new faces in the ranks of the party, or will it be the same old song with a new voice?", writes Transport Europe.

 "I have to ask something directly. When you were important to us, we were not important to you at all! And you only worked for yourselves. This question should especially reach the local mayors and then the municipalities!", cannot bear Shekri Ahmedov.

 Yolanta Mishovska is angry because the management consists only of men: "Men, do you think you are the only ones fit for politics? What were women created for by God: to clean, iron, cook, give birth. I want to switch roles."


 Some of the most critical posts are being deleted by the moderator of the group Elvan Atilla, who admits that there has been a small storm after a Supreme Court decision.

 Because of this unhealthy atmosphere, some members are leaving the group and explaining why: "If we have to censor ourselves and will not be allowed to express our opinions freely here, then the name of the group may as well be 'Silence is Golden.' There are problems, but we don't talk about them, and when we speak the truth, we are blamed and then what are we and who are we and what rights and freedoms are we fighting for?"

 "“I was here, I wish success to everyone, obviously the yellow card from Saturday changed nothing. The young people will soon show red, expresses his disappointment Hasan Hasanov

 The writers in the group admit that the closest circle of Dogan distorts the reality in his favor and self-regulation. 

 “We don't want to tell the truth, because Mr. Dogan reads our comments and they won't be able to lie to him, as they have been lying to him so far, writes Turkan Rustem.  

 Voices are also heard in the group blaming Dogan himself for the state of the party.
 In this regard, Sefer Murad is firm: "Hey people, brother is fighting brother, father is fighting son, husband is fighting wife. Let the old sinners go and spend the money earned by DPS. I have given, I have not taken." "Look at yourselves, how many years have you been in this position, shame on you! And Mister Dogan, it's time to SOBER UP, you are the biggest Culprit??????"

 Therefore, the moderator of the group pleads to those who write in it: "do not sow confusion, unnecessary drama, and become an easy prey for the opposition. It is never good for the opposing team to know that there is alarm."


 The truth is that there is a fierce battle for leadership under Dogan and this is also evident on Facebook. Dzhevdet Chakarov, Ilhan Kyuchuk, Dzheihan Ibrahimov and Hasan Azis are seen as potential successors to Delian Peevski in the leadership of MRF.

 Most disliked among the structures remaining in the split around Dogan is Chakarov, who is assessed to lack organizational skills. "Jaehan Ibramov, who is a client of the prosecutor's office, will likely back down due to the charges against him. Hassan Azis seems to have disappeared from politics. Ilhan Kyuchek remains the most active - both locally and in the media.

 But everyone wonders - where did Mustafa Karadaiyev go?"

 (PS: While preparing this publication, some of the most critical posts against Ramadan Atalay in the Facebook group "I Support Ahmed Dogan" were deleted.)

 Back on Facebook, former dissident Petar Boyadjiev, who has been observing and participating in processes within MRF for years, gives his forecast for what's to come:

 "Back in July, I expressed my opinion that Peevski will crush Dogan and the company like a tractor. There are many people who hated me for this opinion and assessment. Almost, they accused me of being the tractor." Well, we are already towards the end of the year and Dogan went into illegality, in the literal sense of the word. They have chosen a new CEO, but they kept the names of its members secret. These carpetbaggers, brought by Dogan to Sofia and became millionaires, still cannot realize that the end is not near, but it is already a REALITY.

 Now I will make a new prediction. On December 22, the MRF will hold a very impressive and authoritative national conference. With it, the final point will be put on Dogan, the company and DPS-DS. After that, in January Sarafov will be elected and there will be whining carpetbag-millionaires."


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