ARF of Dogan: We will continue working towards overcoming the political crisis

ARF released a statement to the media

ARF leader Dogan received a mandate for negotiations for a cabinet, talks with GERB continue

13085 | 13 Jan. 2025 | 16:35

The leadership of the parliamentary group has received a mandate to continue the dialogue with the goal of forming a parliamentary majority and support for a regular government

ARF of Dogan: We will continue working towards overcoming the political crisis-DPS-na-Dogan--Shte-prodalzhim-da-rabotim-za-preodolyavane-na-politicheskata-kriza-_1736780819.jpgARF of Dogan denies seeking positions in the cabinet, negotiations continue-Ahmed-Dogan-se-otkazva-da-e-deputat--obeshta-podkrepa-za-nova-sglobka_1730296440.jpg

 Following a meeting of the Central Operational Bureau of the arf, together with the regional chairmen, the leadership of the parliamentary group received a mandate to continue the dialogue with the aim of forming a parliamentary majority and support for a regular government. We are conducting the negotiations with a focus on ensuring stability, transparency and effectiveness in the management program.

 This is stated in an official message from the formation of Ahmed Dogan.

 They deny having sought positions in the potential future cabinet. The formation is negotiating with GERB, BSP, and TISP, with the agreement that the MRF will not hold any ministerial positions, but will support the government.

 Here is the party's full statement to the media:

 In relation to the speculations in some media outlets regarding the role of the ARF in the negotiations for the formation of a regular government, we express our categorical position that these claims are completely unfounded. The ARF has always acted responsibly and constructively, guided by the principles of transparency and national responsibility. The negotiations in which we participate have never been interrupted, our main priority remains to achieve stability and sustainable government free from dependencies, corrupt schemes, and backstage dealings, which will meet the expectations of Bulgarian citizens.

 Following a meeting of the Central Operations Bureau of the ARF, together with the regional leaders, the leadership of the parliamentary group received a mandate to continue the dialogue with the aim of forming a parliamentary majority and support for a regular government. We are conducting the negotiations with a focus on ensuring stability, transparency, and efficiency in the governing program.

 We firmly reject the insinuations that the ARF "has given up" or has hidden intentions related to positions. These rumors are aimed at discrediting the efforts to form a governing majority and divert public attention from the essence of the constructive dialogue that we are conducting. We believe that focusing on the real challenges facing the country is the key to finding sustainable solutions.

 In the spirit of responsibility towards the democratic process and statehood, the Authentic MRF remains committed to the national interests and needs of Bulgarian citizens. We will continue to work towards overcoming the political crisis and securing prosperity for Bulgaria, by prioritizing dialogue, transparency, and fighting corruption in every decision. We call on all participants in the public and political process to refrain from spreading manipulative information that undermines efforts for stable governance and serves personal and oligarchic interests.


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