The fiasco of sociologists

"Shock in Romania!". "Great surprise". "From underdog to winner". "Calin Georgescu surprisingly wins the first round"

"The fiasco of sociologists in Bulgaria"

12441 | 25 Nov. 2024 | 15:16

After the elections in our country and in the USA, the presidential vote in Romania reveals the true face of paid sociology, tangled in the webs of Soros

 "Shock in Romania!" "The big surprise." "From outsider to winner." "Calin Georgescu surprisingly wins the first round." These are just some of the comments that flooded the media in Romania and international news exchange in the hours following the first round of the presidential election held on Sunday.

 Our northern neighbor woke up on Monday morning with the news that independent candidate for head of state Calin Georgescu is leading the vote with 22.94% or over 2.1 million votes, and he will face off against Elena Laskoni, leader of the right-center Union for the Salvation of Romania, in the runoff on December 8th.

 According to information from BTA, she gathered 18% of the vote. Current prime minister and leader of the Social Democratic Party Marcel Cholakou, considered just hours ago as the absolute favorite, surprisingly exits the competition.

 Don't be deceived, though. Fact - there is a surprise. Shock - as well. But they are not due to a sudden frenzy of Romanian voters. Or to forgeries, manipulations and massive vote buying, as those now probably trying to explain themselves, posing as "independent experts", but actually conducted in television studios by organizations that only exist thanks to grants.

 What we are witnessing in Romania is actually something we have already observed during the parliamentary elections in our country just a month ago, and in the US presidential elections in early November - the unmasking of the face of commissioned sociology, which instead of doing its job and impartially monitor and inform about the sentiments in society, is entangled in the networks of American billionaire George Soros and his "Open Society".

 A monstrous network for manipulating divergences around the world, flooding societies with disinformation in dozens of countries, in order to push a policy that is not in favor of the people, but of Soros and his chosen individuals - recipients, raised and sustained by massive grants.

 And no - the above is far from being exaggerated. On the contrary - even the most cursory review of the data published by Romanian sociologists in the month leading up to the impressive failure of their predictions on Sunday proves it.

 At the beginning of the race, all agencies conducting surveys placed Georgeescu in the "other" category rather than among the candidates. The highest percentage that so-called professionals from the field of sociology gave him was only 5.5%.

 This absurd trend continued even on election night, when exit polls (surveys based on the actual result) continued to claim that the winner would be Prime Minister and presidential candidate Marcel Cholakou, with Elena Laskoni coming in second. In order to reach the current situation in which Djordjesku is first with almost five times higher percentage than what sociologists predicted during the campaign, it is worth noting that when the official election results were released, exposing the complete failure of sociology, the media machine built around the "Open Society" was activated and quickly started labeling the new favorite in the elections.
 Thus, while just days ago local and foreign publications linked to Soros' "Open Society" were claiming that the pro-Russian candidate was actually George Simion from the Alliance for Romanian Unity, on Monday they suddenly started explaining the same for Djordjesku. Moreover, this is happening massively and everywhere where the backstage created by the American billionaire has influence.

 It even leads to comical situations as with the Bulgarian edition "Mediapool", which initially releases its article about Romania with the headline "NATO opponent Calin Georgescu leads in the first round of the presidential election in Romania", but then replaces it with "Shock: pro-Russian candidate leads in the first round of the presidential election in Romania". And they even change the article's URL to cover up the changes.

 And they were definitely not made by accident. "Mediapool" is among the main websites of the disinformation machine, built by the oligarchic circle "Capital" of businessman Ivo Prokopiev, under the baton of George Soros himself. Hundreds of investigations over the years have revealed with evidence the connections between Soros and Prokopiev, who acts as a puppeteer for the billionaire in Bulgaria.

 Through both pressure and grants from his "Open Society," he has built a network of party projects, politicians, NGOs, media, and sociological agencies over the past two decades with one goal - to influence public opinion and political processes in Bulgaria.

 It is thanks to this network of manipulation and disinformation that what is happening in Romania resembles to such a high degree what happened here before, during, and in the parliamentary vote two months ago.

 It is enough to look at the research given by two of the sociological agencies close to the "Capital" circle - "Market Links" and "Alpha Research". The first, whose founder and former manager is considered to be a personnel of Prokopiev in power, persistently gave a personal rating of 2% to the leader of the MRF and leader of MRF-New Beginning Delyan Peevski.

 And the two agencies also persistently claimed at the start of the campaign that his formation gathers less percentage of votes than the "agrarian" Alliance for Rights and Freedoms, with which the group around Ahmed Dogan, who have excluded themselves from MRF, appeared. And it was hardly certain that MRF-New Beginning would be able to pass the barrier for entry into the 51st National Assembly.

 The truth became clear on the election night of October 27th, when it became apparent that MRF--New Beginning is the fourth political force with 11.54%, and APS - barely sixth with four percent less - 7.48%.

 The parallels with the elections in Romania do not stop only here. Nor are they limited to deliberately lowering percentages and shamelessly manipulating and flooding with disinformation, which our society has been subjected to for years.

 We have witnessed the same processes in the US elections, where both sociologists and media, connected through funding with "Open Society" and specific circles in the Democratic Party, where Soros has influence, unanimously claimed that Kamala Harris had an advantage over the former American president and candidate of the Republican Party for a new term in the White House, Donald Trump.

 The truth about their claims was revealed on November 5, when Trump defeated Harris and the Republican Party gained a majority in both houses of Congress.

 But the truth has never been valued nor part of George Soros' equation, his "Open Society", his proxies in different countries like Prokopiev and his "Capital" circle, and the cohorts of straw politicians, NGOs and sociological agencies, all nurtured and manipulated to undermine societies and their democracies.

 The good news is that with Trump's resounding victory in the USA, this massive machine of disinformation was not only exposed to the whole world, but will also continue to lose ground everywhere.

 More and more, her face will reveal the lies and disinformation. And while this is happening, it is important to remember the old maxim that the best sociology is actually elections. They are the most effective weapon against manipulators and for exposing and defeating backstage maneuvering.
 Source: BLITZ.


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