Georgi Markov: If Todor Zhivkov were alive, he would say today: Ha-ha-ha!

His voice is popular and divine! Long live Silvi and Kiselova! They want to govern us, but apparently they are not capable

Georgi Markov: If Todor Zhivkov were alive, he would today say: Ha-Ha-Ha!

51637 | 29 Nov. 2024 | 15:12

Such a circus has never been seen before! Yesterday, a coalition was formed between the partisans of Soros from CC-DB, the pro-Russian partisans from Vazrazhdane, the Africans from The Sweet Show, for dessert and Ahmed Dogan in the form of a farmer

 Georgi Markov

 Exactly 35 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the beginning of the Change, if Todor Zhivkov were alive today, he would say: Ha-ha-ha!

 And he would be right, because:

 1. Instead of electing a chairman of the National Assembly, the deputies elect an acting prime minister!

 2. They choose an acting prime minister, because of the changes in the Constitution by the legal zero Hristo Ivanov. In it, this poor fellow came up with a menu of potential candidates for acting prime ministers, placing the chairman of parliament in first place.

 3. Such a circus has never been seen before! At one point you had a coalition between Soros' partisans from CC-DB, the pro-Russian partisans from Vazrazhdane, Africans from Sladkiyat Show, and Ahmed Dogan in the form of a Farmer.

 4.  . The Bulgarian Parliament is unable to constitute itself and elect a chairman, let alone form a stable parliamentary majority.

 5. In fact, instead of teaching the deputies about the parliamentary tradition in our country and Europe, a Constitutional Law professor is being pressured to lead the institution from the position of the fifth parliamentary force.

 6. Their cry to the People and God! Long live Silvi and Kisilova! They want to govern us, but clearly they are not fit for it.

 7. This Parliament is incapable of forming a strong prime minister and government. If they manage to patch something together, they will end up like Chuka and Cholaku in Romania.

 8. The Constitutional Court will have to tell us whether the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC), which has been without a full composition for over three years and has an expired mandate, can elect a chief justice and a Chief Prosecutor. And if they can do it with a three-year expired mandate, can they do it with a 33-year one? There is still a measure in place. Could this be an excuse for the parliament not to fulfill its obligations under the fundamental law and not to elect the quota in the Supreme Judicial Council, which the judicial authority did long ago?

 9. The hole-filled elections, which I predicted on and got right, continue. Under the same electoral rules and with machines that Musk says are madness.

 10. The world is changing by the hour. Musk declared himself the Right Soros and has far over 300 billion against little over 6.5 billion for Soros. And now he is financing right-wing prosecutors against progressive prosecutors of Soros. The boss of Facebook - Mark knelt down and had dinner at Trump's home in Florida.
 35 years after they killed Ceausescu, the Romanians woke up and over 2 million voted for the right-wing Dzordzhescu. We are only slowly heating up and dealing with PDPB. That's why we won't get better.


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