Georgi Markov: The war in Ukraine will stop by Easter

The torch for continuing the war will pass from the hands of Biden to the hands of the British Prime Minister Keith Starmer

Georgi Markov: The war in Ukraine will stop by Easter.

32016 | 24 Jan. 2025 | 10:41

Trump will ridicule the EU and will impose peace in his own style. He will not allow any Europeans at the meeting with Putin. He will threaten the hawks of the EU with withdrawal from NATO

Georgi Markov



 1. The military actions in Ukraine will end by Easter /this year the Catholic and Orthodox calendars coincide - April 20th/.

 2. The torch for continuing the war will pass from Biden's hands to the hands of the British Prime Minister Keir Starmer!

 3. A team is being formed in the EU to prevent Trump from achieving peace. At the forefront is Donald Tusk as the Polish European Council President. The team includes Ursula, Weber, Kalas, the Baltic states, Scandinavian countries, Macron and Schulz. This will be an anti-Trump coalition.

 4. The Anti-Trump coalition and Alexander Soros are calling for an informal summit at the EU headquarters in Château de Lemon, Belgium, on February 3rd. Rütte is invited for lunch, Starmer for dinner.

 5. Trump will mock the EU - it's his style - and will impose peace. He will not allow a single European at the meeting with Putin. He will threaten the hawks of the EU with leaving NATO.

 6. By the end of the month, Herbert Kickl will become Chancellor of Austria, and shortly after that, Babiš will become Prime Minister of Czechia. Together with Orbán, they founded the "Patriots for Europe" with whom Trump will cooperate. Joining them will be Jansa from Slovenia and Vucic from Serbia. 

 7. Musk will support the party of Farage in England, called Reformers, both financially and through the media, as well as "Alternative for Germany", which is already doing. 

 8. There will be a nod from Trump to Meloni and Morawiecki to join the "Patriots for Europe".  

 9. Trump will visit Budapest and sign an economic agreement with Orbán. American investments will surpass Asian ones so far, and they are not small...  

 10.  Vans, Musk, Donald Trump Jr. and Tucker Carlson will begin a fight against Soros' drying up of the swamp in Europe, as well as censorship by his media outlets.

 11. After the elections in Germany, the new chancellor will be Friedrich Merz, but in a very difficult coalition with Schultz. If the votes are not enough, help from the Greens will be necessary, but here there is a refusal from the Bavarian leader Markus Söder to participate in this "musical chairs" game.

 12. "Alternative for Germany" will take close to 25% and will be first in Eastern Germany and among the youth in the whole country. It could also throw a bomb if in the remaining month there are more terror attacks from the "knife migration."


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