Georgi Markov: From now on I say - Peevski will be second in the upcoming elections! Dogan ended disgracefully!

Follow parliamentarism and vote for the beautiful Raya, choose Borisov for prime minister!

Georgi Markov: Peevski will be second in the upcoming elections! Dogan ended disgracefully!

42589 | 18 Nov. 2024 | 23:32

Trump doesn't bet on Ursula, Tusk or Weber, but on Viktor Orban, whom he welcomed twice in his home and publicly called brave, clever and brilliant politician. He mentioned his name 190 times in his campaign now

November Truths and Predictions


I now say - Peevski will come second in the upcoming elections! Dogan's political career ends disgracefully.


Georgi Markov



1. On November 18, 1989, the first demonstration for democracy was held in front of the "St. Alexander Nevsky" Cathedral. People still spoke of "comrade" and placed their hopes in comrade Petar Mladenov. The tens of thousands in the square overwhelmingly applauded Radoy Ralin, who famously said: "We have been lied to as a nation, we have no soul left."


2. We, the last ones in the socialist camp, understood that change was possible and it was on December 14, 1989 that the people of Sofia and students surrounded the Parliament and Article 1 of Zhivkov's Constitution fell. Petar Mladenov then said it was better for tanks to come, but Evgenii Mihaylov recorded his words. Following a student strike, the City of Truth and Mladenov was forced to resign. There was a communist investigator, Boyko Rashkov, who tried to save Mladenov from the lie that he did not say those words and trampled on the newspaper "Democracy". This communist investigator is now in the front row of the National Assembly, sitting next to Kiril Petkov - a deputy from Soros' party in CC-DB - as a gratitude for illegally arresting opposition leader Borisov.


3. Atanas Atanasov from the Democrats for a Strong Bulgaria, who killed the Union of Democratic Forces, even publicly expressed regret that the communist follower Boyko Rashkov did not become the current Chief Prosecutor.


4. Trump is not betting on Ursula, Tusk or Weber, but on Viktor Orban, whom he has welcomed into his home twice and publicly called brave, intelligent and brilliant politician. He mentioned his name 109 times in his campaign now.


5. Valia Veleva asks me what I would say as a representative from GNA to those in the current National Assembly. It has no listeners, but I still tell them: Respect parliamentary tradition and vote for the good Ray as Speaker of Parliament. This post is given to the winning party by the power and voice of the people and the voice of God. Choose Boyko as Prime Minister, because he has already won three times and with a huge margin. He is the most prepared and has the experience of a prime minister who has 3605 days behind his back. The only leader who has been officially praised by Trump. A friend with key players like Erdogan and Orban - Chief in EPP. In a majoritarian or mixed system, Borisov would have an absolute majority.


6. I have read the absurdity that Peevski will take over GERB after MRF. There cannot be a GERB without Borisov, just as there cannot be a Tsarist party without a Tsar.


7. I have never spoken to Peevski in my life. I have not had oily coffees in his lap, I have not clinked whiskey with him on his birthday. I have not called him "The Phenomenon." I have not done business with him, directly or through associates. I have never thought that a Bulgarian could head the ethnic party MRF, just as it is unthinkable for a Romanian or Serbian to lead Hungarian parties in Transylvania and Serbia. But the Boy succeeded and will win the MRF congress, and in the inevitable elections that I predicted, he will come in second. There is an old saying that money creates the struggle.


Dogan ends his political career disgracefully. He unjustly removed my friend Stefan Savov from parliament chairman, brought down the first UDF government and made deals with Multi group. He unscrupulously organized the removal of Prof. Blagoeva. Chirkov creates St. Ekaterina Hospital. (Alex and I were very close, we spoke on Saturday before he passed away. He died with this pain.) Dogan may have been repressed by communism, but Peevski is repressed by neo-liberalism with the idiocy of Magnitsky." And his lawyer Nathan Hochman has just been appointed as the prosecutor of Los Angeles. Hochman is internationally recognized expert in criminal law.


8. There is a lot of talk about a presidential party. Radev must be crazy to throw in the towel and abandon his mandate. With whom will this party be made with such a deficit of human resources. Anyway, Radev is winning a strong second term! With my own eyes I can see that he has become close to Viktor Orban and has taken a firm position on the issue of the war in Ukraine.


9. The war in Ukraine can potentially become a world war. Biden and Soros are pushing us towards it, inviting Macron and Borrell to get involved. They want to get ahead of Trump's entry. Bulgaria must decide whether it is with Biden for war or with Trump for peace. There is no middle ground. This topic will be at the forefront of the upcoming election campaign.


10. And a little distant forecast for the February 2025 elections in Germany. "The Alternative" will take second place with over 20% and will be first in Eastern Germany and among young people throughout the country. Alice Weidel is a Trump supporter.


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