Ivan Stambolov-Sula: The first liberal was Lucifer, and the last will be the Antichrist

This freedom, as understood by contemporary globalists, is the godless willfulness, nothing more

Ivan Stambolov-Sula: The first liberal was Lucifer, and the last one will be the antichrist.

28838 | 24 Jan. 2025 | 07:52

In 2020, during an appearance on BNT, I said that liberalism is the most enduring ideology because the first liberal was Lucifer, and the last one will be the antichrist

Ivan Stambolov-Sula


 I must first say that the text in which you are about to dive into is not a political analysis, nor a timely journalism, despite the hints throughout. How can we genreize it? Perhaps the closest would be semantic or maybe even semiotic study? I believe this approach is necessary following the heated debates about the etymology of the word "inauguration" and how it should be properly pronounced, as well as the heated debates about what Musk's greeting means if not "Heil Hitler!", and whether this greeting has roots in Roman antiquity - all important questions on an international level.

 For example, "inauguration" (Inauguratio) or in a rough literal translation from Latin "inauguration", signifies a very specific thing - the ceremony of an augur entering office. "The augur, on the other hand, is a bird-watcher - an important figure in ancient Rome. He is a priest who makes important decisions for society based on his observations of bird flights. The word augur comes from the Latin words for bird (avis) and carry (gero). There are other theories, but let's leave them aside for now.

 The word "promotion" literally means progression. Initially, it was used to describe the graduation of students. Now, it refers to a promotional discount in stores.

 I mention these things in order to prepare ourselves for the world of signs and symbols which is present in both Trump's inauguration and in Musk's (fascistic, Nazi) Roman gesture.

 Now, let's move on to my modest contribution in the field of semiotics, symbols, ancient meanings, their present interpretations and everything else.

 The reason is yet another clever and technically well-executed MEME." "It depicts the Statue of Liberty, descending from her pedestal and pulling away with two suitcases. There are no words, nothing written. But from the comments, it becomes clear that Liberty, shaken by Trump's election, is leaving America for the next four years. In other words, during this week's presidential term, there is not expected to be freedom (and democracy) in the States. Therefore, it's better for progressive forces to emigrate - a process that is not yet observed despite the serious threats. This is what the intelligent and beautiful, progressive observer sees in the image. But he is shallow, biased and not particularly literate in the world of symbols and metaphors.

 What do I see?"

 Let's start with the fact that the real name of the monument, popularly known as the Statue of Liberty, is "Liberty Enlightening the World" (Liberty Enlightening the World or in its original French La Liberté éclairant le monde). Who is this freedom? Because, as the "father of conservatism" said, even though he himself was a member of the Whig Party (called liberals from 1839 onwards) and their speaker in parliament Edmund Burke: "Abstract freedom, like other abstractions, does not exist".

 Freedom is always concrete - freedom from something, freedom to do something, to think, to speak, etc. What exactly is this freedom at the entrance of New York? It was the Roman goddess Libertas - not particularly popular in the Roman pantheon, originally patroness of freed slaves. The appearance of the statue, however, rather reproduces Hecate - the cousin of Apollo and Artemis, responsible for the moon, darkness, magic, etc. But in my opinion, it's not Hecate, although she does resemble her. It is made to look like her because there still needs to be some form, right?

 But who is this light?

 Is it the fire of Prometheus? The light that the titan gave to humans (just like the serpent gave them the apple), so they could become godly? Fallen humanity loves this light very much and for them, Prometheus is one of the most positive heroes, despite being a precursor of Lucifer.

 Although it claims a connection with darkness, the Statue of Liberty carries a torch and radiates light, including from its head in the form of specific spikes, characteristic of Hecate's depiction. On the other side of the Latin lumen carrier, "the one who carries light", is Lucifer (Lucifer), in Old Greek probably should be Phosphor, do I know... And the strict androgynous face of the monument reminds more of a fallen angel than a third-rate ancient goddess. The statue is an unequivocal allegory of a deity or angel, which brings man the fire and light of free will, or in other words - of one's own will.

 The statue is a gift on the occasion of 100 years of independence of America. This date is also written on the book in her left hand. A gift from France to America, or as it is commonly thought, from the French to the American people, more precisely - from the French to American Masons. The Masons, as true successors of the Gnostics, especially value freedom. In this type of freedom, where human will rejects, it is freed from God's will.

 There is something symbolic (isn't it?! Because it screams of symbolism!) - France, where the new era and the new world order were born, where aristocracy and clergy were overthrown, where religion gave way to proud rationalism, this France bestowed upon the New World the symbol of freedom, the torch that the New World will carry towards the future, where there will be no heaven, hell, states, religions, property and other such abominations, as John Lennon sings, shot in the same city - the city of the Statue.

 And who is this Lucifer? Who is the one who "enlightens" with his torch? Who is the one who carries the light of the new world and of proud humanity? Who is the one who glorifies the free human spirit and the all-conquering reason?

 When God created the angels as an important part of the entire creation, their leader was called Denny (somewhere referred to as the planet Venus or the star Denny, it is one and the same - Lucifer) - mighty and shining angel. But unfortunately, his power corrupted him and he decided that he was not less great than God and that he could rule over creation and his Creator without him. Thus, the sin of pride, the sin of all sins, emerged. The sin that gave birth to all other sins. The sin was punished with a fall. A fall from heaven to earth, but not in the sense of falling from the sky to the planet Earth, but from the purely spiritual into the material.

 Prophet Isaiah talks about this fall this way:

 "How you have fallen from heaven, O Denny, son of the dawn! You have been hurled down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! And in his heart he said: I will ascend to heaven, I will raise my throne above the stars of God and I will sit on the mountain in the assembly of gods, in the far north; I will ascend to the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High. But you are brought down to Sheol, to the depths of the pit“ (Isaiah 14:12-15).

   Now the fallen Daystar is the prince of this world, the father of lies, Satan. But all who want to exalt themselves above their Creator continue to worship him, and even build monuments in his honor.  

 The same one who wanted to be like God, took the form of a snake, tempted and deceived man to also want to be like God. „Then the snake said to the woman: No, you will not die; for God knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods, knowing good and evil“ (Genesis 3:4,5). And so it is. We did not die, we know good and evil, but we are not gods. However, we still want a lot and that is why, when we look at the Statue of Liberty, our eyes fill with joy.

 A few years ago, in 2020, during a visit to BNT, I said that liberalism is the most enduring ideology because the first liberal was Lucifer and the last will be the Antichrist. I remember, liberal intellectuals jumped on me at that time. Here, today, I say the same - the first liberal was Lucifer and the last will be the Antichrist because this freedom, as understood by contemporary globalists, is nothing but blasphemy.

 The sin of all sins, the first sin, which we still pay for and call the process "human history". Let's see if they will jump on me today. I doubt it, because the times are different and the wind is blowing from elsewhere. And this type of intellectuals are particularly sensitive to air currents.

 Here is now the Statue of Liberty, here is the Light Carrier Danny - has packed his suitcases, got off the pedestal, headed somewhere and will probably be absent for some time. But he will return, don't rush to rejoice so much or rejoice, but only at the present moment of today's day, on the day when Lucifer is leaving. Because Carthage, although it must be destroyed at any cost, is still not.


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