Kallin Stoyanov

Without being an expert in the field, it seems to me that these people are in urgent need of medical assistance!

Kalin Stoyanov: Sensationalism! In 4 media outlets within 50 minutes, Kiki, Niki and Bozhanov mention Peevski 82 times!

293178 | 18 Jan. 2025 | 17:50

This is not the first, but rather another case of painful fixation by Soros-like representatives on a particular individual. I am convinced it will not be the last

 Kalin Stoyanov


 In the past 24 hours, there has been an exceptionally serious activity in the TV studios by representatives of the fading Sorosoid coalition CC-DB.

 I took the effort to watch some of their appearances and what I found is that these people have a pathological fixation towards the personality of Delyan Peevski.

 To avoid sounding like an accusation, I will give some specific examples:

 1. On 17.01, in the "Panorama" show, Bozhidar Bozhanov mentions Peevski 21 times in a span of 7-8 minutes.

 2. On 17.01, in the "Face to Face" show, Kiril Petkov mentions Peevski 12 times in a span of 15 minutes.

 3. On 17.01, in the "Hello Bulgaria" show, Ivaylo Mirchev mentions Peevski 16 times in a span of 13 minutes.

 4.  The most striking case is from today, 18.01, in the show "Denyat zapochva" with Georgi Lyubenov, where this same Mirchev, within about 20 minutes, mentions Peevski a total of 33 times, I repeat, 33 times.

 The calculation is as follows - in the course of four shows, totaling about 50 minutes, the three mentioned above - Petkov, Mirchev, and Bozhanov mention Peevski 82 times.

 Well, if this isn't a crazy fixation and pathological passion, what is it according to you?

 This is not the first, but another case of an unhealthy fixation by Soros-like representatives on a certain person. I am convinced that this will not be the last.

 Without being an expert in the field, it seems to me that these people are in urgent need of medical help! Another interesting moment from the participation of people from the scandalous coalition CC-DB, who completely overshadowed through the screen, is that there is inconsistency in their statements.

 For example, Bozhidar Bozhanov, Nadezhda Yordanova, and others from DB stated that during negotiations with GERB-SDS, they were negotiating officially and on behalf of their coalition partner CC
 On the other hand, Asen Vasilev from CC, in the show "More from the Day" on January 17th, stated that CC has never authorized DB to negotiate on their behalf in any occasion.
 Now we are waiting for Kiril Petkov to come out and, in his style, explain who said what and what they meant, so that once again no one understands anything.


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