с"Natalia Kiselova talks to US ambassador Kenneth Merten"

"I hope our strategic partnership continues," emphasized the chairman of parliament

Natalia Kiselova meets with US Ambassador Kenneth Merten

7969 | 13 Jan. 2025 | 12:59

She expressed condolences to the relatives of those who died in the devastating wildfires in Los Angeles

с"Natalia Kiselova talks to US ambassador Kenneth Merten"-Nataliya-Kiselova-razgovarya-s-poslanika-na-SASht-Kenet-Merten_1736766061.jpg --_1736766089.jpg

 The Chairman of the National Assembly, Natalia Kiselova, met on January 13, 2025 with the US Ambassador to Bulgaria, Kenneth Merten. She expressed her and the representatives' of the 51st National Assembly condolences to the families of the US citizens who died in the devastating fires in Los Angeles.

 We are closely following the news about the natural disaster on the territory of the state of California and sincerely sympathize with the hundreds of thousands of US citizens who have been affected by this unprecedented disaster, noted Natalia Kiselova. She emphasized that despite the casualties, the swift and adequate actions of the firefighters and rescue teams have prevented an even greater tragedy. Please convey our sincere human solidarity and support to the American people in these difficult days for the United States, added the Speaker of the National Assembly.

 Natalia Kiselova expressed her gratitude to the director and staff of the ”Villa Getty” museum, who have taken all necessary measures to protect the exhibits from the ”Ancient Thrace and the Classical World: Treasures from Bulgaria, Romania, and Greece” exhibition from the fires in Los Angeles.

 The Speaker of the National Assembly pointed out that her meeting with the American ambassador in Sofia is a natural continuation of the active political dialogue between Bulgaria and the United States at high and highest level. I am glad that we can discuss the priorities of our bilateral cooperation and I hope that our strategic partnership will continue, added Natalia Kiselova. Bulgaria pays special attention to the development of our cooperation with the USA in the areas of security and defense, energy security and diversification, bilateral trade and investment, innovation and green energy, countering hybrid threats and disinformation, as well as in the development of people-to-people contacts, stated the Speaker of Parliament.


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