CC-DB to Radev: We will not back down from the border. Photo BNT PP-DB to Radev: We will not back down from the border. Photo BNT.

The CC-DB are consulting with the president

CC-DB to Redev: We will not back down from the sanitary cordon and non-political figure for PM

10562 | 10 Dec. 2024 | 11:32

"We are concerned that the first force is chaotic and is not signing the sanitary cord" stated Kiril Petkov

CC-DB to Radev: We will not back down from the border. Photo BNT PP-DB to Radev: We will not back down from the border. Photo BNT.-PP-DB-pred-Radev--Nyama-da-otstapim-ot-kordona--Snimka-BNT_1733824314.pngCC-DB consultations at the President's office-PP-DB-na-konsultatsii-pri-prezidenta-_1733823350.png"CC-DB in consultations at the President's office"-PP-DB-na-konsultatsii-pri-prezidenta_1733823178.png

"We will not give up on the border."

 This was stated by representatives of the CC-DB party at the beginning of the meeting with President Rumen Radev. The head of state began consultations with political parties in the 51st parliament before handing over the first mandate for forming a Cabinet.

 The second meeting today is with representatives of the CC-DB party. Asen Vasiliev, Kiril Petkov, Nikolay Denkov, Nadezhda Yordanova, Bozhidar Bozhanov, Lyudmila Ilieva and Yordan Ivanov came to "Dondukov" 2.

 Perhaps you heard that the representatives of the first political force will take responsibility and will try to form a government, will you participate in this process, Radev asked at the beginning of the meeting, noting that the second place in the elections gives a serious role to the CC-DB party.

 The "We Continue the Change" party stated that they will sit down to negotiate with GERB-UDF only after they sign the so-called "sanitary cordon". At the same time, the "Democratic Bulgaria" party will meet with GERB on their own at this stage. They emphasized that they do not accept Boyko Borisov to be the Prime Minister.

 "What we see and what the Bulgarian citizens have clearly expressed is that we need a regular government. In order for a government to be stable, it must be supported by a broad parliamentary majority. We see that in this parliament it is possible to have a pro-European and anti-corruption majority," said Nadezhda Yordanova from CC-DB.

 "We will work towards a formula for a government that is structured around pro-European priorities - Schengen, the eurozone and anti-corruption priorities. When searching for such a majority, we must also imagine a cabinet that can implement their policies. In this fragmentation, we believe that only a non-partisan figure as prime minister can fulfill this mission. We are ready to negotiate with all forces, except for "Reviva," Yordanova emphasized.

 After the major falsifications from the last elections, with our colleagues from "Democratic Bulgaria," we offered a clear measure of which political parties are willing to separate from the corrupt model of Bulgaria, which is personified by Peevski, and which are not. We already have over 100 deputies whose parties have signed this sanitary cord. However, the first political force is being elusive and does not sign this cord, which means they are not willing to take a step towards judicial reform and improving the electoral process. "We will remain vigilant whether they will be able to break away or continue to throw dust in the eyes of the people and lie in order to prevent these reforms," commented Kiril Petkov. And he emphasized that they will not give up the sanitary cordon against Peevski. 

He added, "Our colleagues from DB will participate in these negotiations, we will join only if the parties that want a government are ready to support this sanitary cordon."

 There is no doubt that the main task of any National Assembly is to choose a regular government, we are aware of our responsibility for this process. It is clear that the urgent priority No. 1 is the adoption of a budget that would allow the systems in the state to function normally," said Nikolay Denkov at the beginning.

 He reminded that 1.6 billion levs are expected to be included in the budget for next year. According to him, those who block the laws also create serious financial problems for the budget.

  According to Denkov, the justice system is not fulfilling its duties and it is high time that those who are blocking it find a solution.

 Nadezhda Yordanova from DB stated that there could be a pro-European and anti-corruption majority in this parliament. She emphasized that the permanent solution would be the election of the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) which would not be politically biased.

 We will work towards a government structured around pro-European priorities, Schengen, the Eurozone, and anti-corruption priorities. In the search for such a broad majority, we believe we should seek those who can achieve it. Only a neutral prime minister can fulfill this mission, she pointed out.

 We will lead this negotiated process responsibly and humbly, but not at any cost, added the MP from the CC-DB.

"We are concerned that the first force is chaotic and is not signing the sanitary cord" stated Kiril Petkov

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