Political scientist Georgi Prodanov: We are close to a situation similar to the creation of a triple coalition

According to him, a coalition between GERB and BSP is surprising for both parties and for the voters

Political scientist Georgi Prodanov: We are close to a situation like the formation of a triple coalition.

9732 | 13 Jan. 2025 | 10:52

The potential coalition appears surprisingly unprincipled. At the same time, we need a government and this is probably the best that can be put together at the moment, he commented

 It seems that there is some coordination in the creation of a government between the group around the President and GERB. It is most likely that there will be a government.

 This opinion was expressed to BNR by political analyst Georgi Prodanov.

 However, for him, the uncertainty is related to GERB because, according to him, the leader of the party has shown that he is a person who can change his decision at the last moment.

 According to him, a coalition between GERB and BSP is surprising for both sides and for the voters.

 "We are in a situation that is very similar to the creation of the triple coalition in 2005. The result of the participation of those 3 parties in the triple coalition to this day is that 2 of them no longer exist in their previous form, and one does not exist at all." "So a bad forecast for a similar current coalition can be in the same direction," commented the political analyst in an interview for the show "Before All".

 According to him, in the current situation, GERB may also suffer image damage:

 "Mixing incompatible electorates of GERB, BSP, MRF and There Is Such a People around the common table will certainly not be well received in the long run. In the short term - we need a government and this is probably the best that can be put together at the moment."

 According to him, the euro will be one of the "traded topics". However, we have reached far enough in the impossibility of the process being reversed, he believes. According to him, the big bargaining chip will be the topic of support for Ukraine:

 "This will be the sacrifice that will bring them together." It is highly likely that this will be one of the stumbling blocks for the coalition."

 For him, the second cost of this coalition will be the changes in the Judiciary Act. "Or at least these changes will not be in the version that everyone expects - to have stricter control over the figure of the Prosecutor General," added Prodanov.

 In this sense, he emphasized that this coalition is suicidal for both GERB and DB. "Both parties are moving away from leading a clean policy - they are taking the step that once justified their existence as a non-coalition with BSP, with MRF. At the moment, they are both desired and possible coalition partners. There is also the chance that Peevski will be able to do whatever he wants as a necessary factor in a qualified majority," explained the political analyst. According to him, this will not stop the political processes in society that are heading towards radicalization and seeking other political alternatives. According to him, the current parliamentary parties are heading towards a "status quo" option through a similar coalition.

 "I have nothing against such a coalition, but it appears surprisingly unprincipled and this cannot go unnoticed by the voters," he believes.

 Georgi Prodanov emphasized that MRF-Dogan has two options - either to find a common ground with MRF-Peevski or to always be close to the government and thus guarantee their existence. According to him, their position will be linked to their survival as a party, which makes them highly susceptible to bargaining. "

 Both MRF-Dogan and MRF-Peevski have the same origin." People who defend their interests, regardless of how they rebrand, remain the same. If these are truly people loyal to Peevski in the current provisional government and they transition to the current government, it only confirms the idea that GERB and Peevski are inseparably connected and any future administration, regardless of its coalition partner, will be the main hub for redistributing interests and resources. Peevski must decide his political future. Participation in the government will give him the opportunity to further protect and nurture those around him, to create structures. Such a government can be long-lasting. "This is the worst-case scenario," commented the political analyst.

 "Considering the participants in such a government and the suspicions of support from Peevski, I don't see any formal reason, apart from the street, to end the mandate. If they continue with abundant social payments, support for businesses, energy compensations, the street will be tamed."

 Regarding the possible distribution of ministerial positions, Georgi Prodanov commented:

 "It is evident that the traditional sectors where there have been suspicions of corruption, are once again with the same people and faces. It is too noticeable that the same names are being chosen for the same positions, it cannot be a coincidence - the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Health - ministries that have always held significant financial resources - sectors that, at the moment, are possibly going to TISP."

 "Distribution of interests, not so much of politics," summarized the political scientist.


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