Valeria Veleva: Playing with Immunity! When the coerced one becomes more guilty than the coercer

The topic has hit the raw nerves of society, this person cannot be a lawmaker

Valeria Veleva: Playing with Immunity! When the coerced one becomes more guilty than the coercer

30688 | 25 Jan. 2025 | 23:15

I also acknowledge one more thing - it is quite possible that Dogan deliberately decided to humiliate both GERB and Borisov, showing to everyone that the government is his hostage

The topic of saving immunity with the voices of the majority of DRF-MRF Deputy Jeyhan Ibryamov has turned into a leading one for commentator shows on television, and interest in it grows like an avalanche. All speakers from GERB are subjected to crossfire: "why did you bow down to Dogan", "is this the price for the deal to have a cabinet"? Dissatisfaction is brewing on Facebook: how long will GERB tolerate such compromises, why is the first political force succumbing to such extortion?


The topic struck a nerve in society, which had swallowed the compromises of the parties in the formation of government as a necessary step to save the stability of the state. But crossing norms such as morality, legality, rule of law has triggered a red light. Because everyone is fed up with thin party accounts that erase the universally accepted rules of decency and democratic principles in politics.


The "Ibryamov" case has three aspects: legal, moral and political.


LEGAL: Deputy Jeyhan Ibryamov was caught in the act with marked money. He is "nailed" with Special Surveillance Devices for a series of criminal actions, which the prosecution believes will hold up in court. All materials have been duly submitted to the National Assembly and deputies can, and are obliged to, familiarize themselves with them and act according to their understanding of good and evil. The gathered evidence unequivocally shows Ibryamov as a person who abuses his position in politics.


MORAL: Jeyhan Ibryamov refuses to give his immunity because he has accepted that "I won't give immunity that easily." He explains that the legal persecution against him is a "setup by certain individuals." But here arise the questions: was he caught with marked money in his pockets? - he was caught! In the tapes, can we hear his voice asking for hundreds of thousands for the elections, offering military deals against it? - we can hear it! So what are we talking about - about a person with low self-esteem for his actions; about a person driven by fear of becoming a target of the law or about an arrogant person?


In all three cases, this person cannot be a lawmaker, cannot sit in the highest body of state power and with his finger shape the fate of the country! HE CAN'T! The 180 MPs who saved him (temporarily) from Themis sent a very bad signal to society. How can we expect ordinary people to follow rules and norms when literally from the highest place they are cramming lies, stealing, engaging in fraud, and circumventing the law into our heads! The remnants of any dignity that the Bulgarian political elite should have, have once again collapsed.


POLITICAL: Borisov justifies his refusal to vote for the lifting of immunity for Ibraymov with the stability of the state. In doing so, he took responsibility for the political decision instead of passing it on to where the decision came from - Ahmed Dogan. I


t is clear that the leader of GERB has been put in a trap - either immunity, or elections, which means: chaos, losses, the shadow of a fist, increase in external debt, even bigger hole in the budget, new uncertainty with all its consequences, and putting the stability of the country at great risk. In one word - a disaster! The coercion has been cruel - the way only Dogan can do it.


In the situation the country is in, Borisov chooses the lesser evil - immunity. And the coerced one becomes more guilty than the coercer. Because the coerced one failed to explain how manipulative the coercer has been, gambling with the country's fate against the crimes of a political swindler! Any statesman in Borisov's place would have acted the same - with all the negatives that will follow.


But every true politician who cares about the state should not behave like Dogan. It is clear that fear of elections led him to Borisov, whom he used to call "the boss" in the past. And if Borisov's decision was political, then Dogan's decision was purely party-driven.


I acknowledge one other possibility - it is highly likely that Dogan deliberately decided to humiliate both GERB and Borisov, showing to everyone that the government is his hostage. Because the saved immunity does not cancel the investigation, it simply postpones it. Like every citizen and elected representative, Dogan is subject to criminal punishment under certain circumstances. However, the saved immunity gave Dogan the opportunity to scandalize society, bringing the most repulsive actions in politics to the forefront. He demonstratively stated, "I can do whatever I want because you are in my hands!" Of course, we have to thank the DB, but they will only realize it now.


And if we draw the line on this scandal, there are a few CONCLUSIONS to be made:


- Ibryamov will not escape from justice, it's just a matter of time before he lives in constant fear of when his turn will come.


- Borisov and GERB suffered blows at the start of the government, which has much more serious tasks than the immunity of some unworthy deputies.


- Dogan reminded everyone how skillfully he has brought down governments in the past and how he can do it again.


- GERB missed the chance to preserve political dignity by voting to support Ibrahimov without demanding from Dogan, that this deputy, not participate in any form of governance, including committees.


Because, while "saving" Ibrahimov may be politically understandable, his inclusion in governing bodies would be brazen and perverse. And it will not be forgiven.


A government cannot rely on people without dignity, who don't look on the legal system seriously!


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