Vanga predicted catastrophic events in Europe in 2025

Among Vanga's prophecies were also ones about the future of technology

"Vanga predicts catastrophic events in Europe in 2025"

353365 | 9 Sept. 2024 | 11:52

"Fabric has been developed with colors that can change with a single movement of the hand. This can be achieved by simply pressing a button on a mobile app. In the Netherlands, a concrete that glows in the dark is already being used."

  "There will come a time when the roads will be in the sky, and clothes will change colors according to the desires of people." This is one of the recently revealed prophecies of Vanga, described in the Telegram channel "Notes of Vanga".

 The online publication cites Vanga's nephew, Ognyan Stoyanov, who told the media what the most famous clairvoyant in Bulgaria, who gained immense popularity even posthumously in Russia, had told him.

 "She said that the walls of homes would change their density and could even become transparent, if their owners decide so," the man adds, according to whom this refers to technologies that will appear in the near future.

 However, "Notes of Vanga" write that the Bulgarian prophetess predicted catastrophic events in Europe in 2025. She spoke about a global conflict that will destroy a large part of the population on the old continent. According to the publication, fashion designers are already fulfilling the predictions of Vanga about the progress of technology.

 Fabrics have been developed, whose colors can change with a single movement of the hand. This can be done simply by pressing a button on a mobile application. The Telegraph reports that in the Netherlands, glow-in-the-dark cement is already being used.


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