Volgin in front of Rutte: The longer NATO exists, the greater the danger of a Third World War.

Being a member of NATO today is not a guarantee for security, but for involvement in the next massacre, stated Volgin

Volgin in front of Rutte: The longer NATO exists, the greater the danger of a Third World War

7714 | 13 Jan. 2025 | 20:02

No one from the ruling elite in Bulgaria asked us if we wanted to join NATO or not. And if a referendum were held now, most Bulgarians would be against Bulgaria's membership in this pact, he added

Volgin in front of Rutte: The longer NATO exists, the greater the danger of a Third World War.-Volgin-pred-Ryute--Kolkoto-po-dalgo-ima-NATO--tolkova-poveche-ya-ima-opasnostta-ot-Treta-svetovna-voyna_1736791391.jpg-Evropa-na-suverennite-natsii_1738752081.png

"Being a member of NATO today is not a guarantee for security, but rather for being dragged into yet another slaughterhouse," said Petar Volgin in the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament. The Bulgarian Member of the European Parliament boldly and unusually for Brussels speech allowed himself to voice the thesis that NATO should have been disbanded long ago:


"At the end of the 90s of the last century, the great American diplomat George Kennan defined the upcoming NATO expansion as a 'blunder of epic proportions'. George Kennan is the creator of the policy of containing the Soviet Union and knew the Russians better than anyone else. He understood perfectly well how harmful it is to provoke Russia. Unfortunately, no representative of the Western Collective heard him. NATO was supposed to dissolve, as the Warsaw Treaty was dissolved, but instead the pact continued its madness of expansion.“


Volgin, who was elected with the votes of the party "Revival" and is a member of the "Europe of Sovereign Nations" group in the European Parliament, participated in a debate-meeting with Mark Rutte, the Secretary General of NATO, together with the Subcommittee on Security and Defense (SEDE), and the delegation for relations with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, announced the team of the Bulgarian MEP.  


In his speech, the long-time journalist from BNR also emphasized that no one asked the peoples if they wanted their countries to join NATO. „In Bulgaria, no one from the ruling elite asked us if we want to be members of NATO or not. They did not explain what we are supposed to do or why. And if a referendum on the issue were held now, most Bulgarians would be against Bulgaria's membership in this pact. It is precisely NATO's desire to engulf Ukraine and create its own bases on its territory that is the main reason for the war in this country today. The longer NATO exists, the greater the danger of a Third World War, " concluded Volgin almost shockingly for the audience in the context of debates on security in Europe.


Rutte himself stated in his introductory remarks to the MEPs that we should constantly help Ukraine, that we should not allow Putin, Xi Jinping and the regime in Pyongyang to threaten democracies. That NATO and the EU have something to do. And that the solution is more investment in defense. Words of respect were heard from the hall that NATO wants to strengthen the European pillar within NATO, it was emphasized that there is a perspective for Ukraine to join NATO, but for this to happen, some more skeptical countries need to be encouraged to change their positions. It was stated that if NATO wants to survive, we need a strong European structure and defense industry.    


Numerous questions were directed to Rutte, including how he plans to defend Europe's position within NATO?! How does NATO view the contradictory behavior of Turkey, which possesses the second largest army within NATO? Does he not believe that increased defense spending in Europe will come at the expense of social spending?! How does Mark Rute assess the threats from Trump to annex Canada and can Europe continue to rely on the US for its security?


"I am absolutely convinced that the US will remain in NATO," said Mark Rutte. "There needs to be more spending on defense in Europe, over 3%, otherwise we all have to quickly learn Russian or move to New Zealand. I have never committed to 4% for defense spending, but I have always said that 2% is not enough." In response to Peter Volgin's comment, Mark Rutte clarified that if he were Bulgarian, he would be happy to be a member of NATO and that he has heard Volgin's arguments, but of course, he does not agree with them."


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