President Rumen Radev is expected to make a statement after the end of the meeting

The session of the Consultative Council for National Security has begun at the President's office.

14082 | 4 Oct. 2024 | 10:19

Representatives of all parliamentary represented political forces, heads of services and ministers arrived at the presidential building

-Prezidentat-Radev-sled-KSNS--Povishava-se-riskat-ot-izvarshvane-na-teroristichna-ataka_1728036739.png-Prezidentat--Povishava-se-riskat-ot-izvarshvane-na-teroristichna-ataka_1728036325.jpgThe meeting of the Consultative Council for National Security at the President's Office has begun. 

 Photo by BTA.-Zapochna-zasedanieto-na-Konsultativniya-savet-za-natsionalna-sigurnost-pri-prezidenta_1728026393.jpg

  The risk of a terrorist attack is increasing, President Rumen Radev stated after the meeting of the National Security Advisory Council at "Dondukov" 1.

 The meeting lasted for more than three hours.

 Ensuring security requires constant efforts, emphasized Radev after reading the points on which all council participants agreed, except for one. The president also highlighted the importance of protecting the border.

 During the NSAC meeting, the risks for Bulgaria in the context of the conflicts in the Middle East were discussed.

 Representatives of all parliamentary political forces, heads of services, and ministers arrived at the presidential building.

 Also present at the meeting were the Speaker of Parliament Raya Nazaryan, caretaker Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev, caretaker Minister of the Interior Atanas Ilkov, caretaker Minister of Defense Atanas Zapryanov, Chief of Defense General Emil Eftimov, Finance Minister Lyudmila Petkova, and others. Since the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivan Kondov is out of the country, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is represented by his deputy Elena Shekerletova.

 The meeting was also attended by the heads of the State Agency for National Security (SANS) - Plamen Tonchev, the State Intelligence Agency - Anton Gechev, and the Director of the Military Intelligence Service Brigadier General Velin Venev.

 Boyko Borissov represents GERB, Atanas Atanasov represents PP-DB, Kostadin Kostadinov represents "Revival," Atanas Zafirov represents BSP, Toshko Yordanov represents TISP, and Yordan Tsonev represents MRF.

 The topic of the emergency NSAC meeting convened by the president is "Risks and threats to national security in the context of conflicts in the Middle East. The need to take measures."

 It is expected that President Rumen Radev will make a statement after the meeting.

 On Wednesday, caretaker Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev convened the Security Council to the Council of Ministers regarding the escalation of tensions in the Middle East. A headquarters will be organized to closely monitor the situation in the Middle East. There is no current threat to Bulgaria, Dimitar Glavchev said after the meeting.

 "We have no data from the Bulgarian services and our foreign partners regarding any threat of a terrorist attack related to the developments in the Middle East," stated the caretaker Minister of the Interior Atanas Ilkov at the time.

 The National Security Advisory Council is an advisory body on national security issues whose status is determined by law, according to information from the official website of the presidential institution. The NSAC is chaired by the President of the Republic of Bulgaria.

 Members of the NSAC include the Speaker of the National Assembly, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense, the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Finance, the Chairman of the State Agency for National Security, the Chief of Defense, the Chairman of the State Intelligence Agency, the Secretary of the Security Council, and one representative from each parliamentary group, according to the law on NSAC.

 Details to follow.

Representatives of all parliamentary represented political forces, heads of services and ministers arrived at the presidential building

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